Monday, February 11, 2008

A Week Of Juggling

So I am home for most of this week, we have no daycare for Anna. I will do my best to make up enough time for work so that in the end it'll just be two days of vacation that I use. It helps that next Monday is a holiday at work and I plan to go in.

I just tried reading Nanny Diaries, a book I've owned for a long time but have never picked up. It's a waste of time, don't bother. I read until the midway point, then started skipping, and then just skipped to read the last chapter to find out how she finally left her employment. I recall that the book caused quite a stir when it first came out, but I wasn't too shocked or surprised by anything in it.

I nannied for two summers while in college, which was a great experience for me to travel to the east coast and get a sense for how others live. I will always appreciate that the families gave me the opportunity of working for them. I do have some regrets, but then again I know that I did the best I could and that I was young and naive at the time as well. I can't help but wonder what those kids are up to today, how their lives are turning out now that they are young adults. I also wonder if they ever gave me a second thought once I left, or if I was just one in a long line of people who cared for their children.

My time as a nanny was nothing like the woman's in Nanny Diaries, thankfully. Her experience seemed a bit extreme, though I guess I wouldn't be surprised if there were families which took advantage of their hired help, or underpaid them despite all their hard work. That is not surprising at all, that happens in all kinds of employment.

My big project at home lately continues to be the basement. It's incredibly dirty work, and it has occured to me that I should probably wear some kind of mask on my face to protect me from the dust. So I've decided not to do any more until I've bought some masks.

My life seems so very boring right now, I'm just trying to hang in there and not get too far behind on anything.


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