Sunday, February 03, 2008

Hoping She's Musical, Shunning the Kidsy Stuff, and What If?

So, I'm really hoping Anna is musical someday and will play a musical instrument. I should do some research, find out what more I can do to encourage her in this way. She enjoys watching musicals on video to an extent (Annie of course, and most recently Hairspray, Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast) and she enjoys playing with her pretend musical instruments--a saxophone, guitar, and keyboard. At the party we went to Christmas night, she was mesmorized by the guitar-playing of a young man who was there--maybe I should buy a CD of mostly guitar music she might like?

We haven't listened to the Sugar Beats in a long time, and I haven't tried very hard to find other kidsy music. While she's in my car, Anna asks to listen to the purple CD (Stevie Wonder--Greatest Hits) or the pink CD, which is Joan Osborne doing covers and a CD I've loved since the first time I played it (I'm eternally grateful to Daniel B. for this recommendation). We're to the point that Anna sings along to the songs, and we talk about what song we like or is a favorite. Maybe I can skip the annoying kids songs and take out the Beatles next?

While there are lots of other memories not so great, I have only fond memories of band and playing clarinet through high school. I sometimes wish I would have continued into college, how fun the marching band or the concert band would have been, what a great way to get out and meet people while at SDSU. But I didn't play my instrument any more, instead writing for the college newspaper ... certainly (in hindsight) a major decision in my life and where it has led me.

Sometimes I think of the decisions I've made in my life, and how things might be different if, let's say, I'd gone to the U of M and not SDSU. Or, if I'd gone to law school in Nebraska and not at Hamline. If my friend Mary hadn't told me about the West Publishing jobs posting on the wall at the registrar's office, or what if I hadn't run into Marge and John while leaving the Science Museum, who'd told me I should consider volunteering at the Fitzgerald Theater. On and on. How much of it was fate, how much did I determine the path? And ultimately--would life be better, or would it be worse?

Anna is napping now and I hope to make a quick trip to Target with her before the Super Bowl starts. I've been cleaning some more in the basement, and filling up the storage bins I've bought so I need more. One of more immediate goals is to organize and truly clean up the basement so I can set up Edwin's old table down there for scrapbooking. If I can get it set up in time for his trip, I'm sure I can get a lot done while he is out of town. Our new neighbors have a big dumpster in front of their house, I hope to throw a couple things in there tonight after dark (shh!). I've got several bags of items to donate, and a few small things to list on Craigslist and see if I can sell them. The truly daunting task will be cleaning and washing the floors, but it will all be worth the effort if I can use the space for my scrapbooking. We'll see!


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