Monday, December 03, 2007

Season in Full Swing

Thanks to the calendar officially moving to December and the brand new, beautiful snow I now feel in a Christmas-y mood. The stockings are hung, the tree is up and mostly decorated, most of my purchased gifts are wrapped and I'm on the verge of breaking out the Christmas music. I almost bought some new music yesterday but couldn't decide between the Barenaked Ladies and Bette Midler when I found that Josh Grobin had sold out at Target. I did buy Christmas Vacation a few days earlier and will likely watch that sometime this week when I'm needing a break and a good laugh.

Yesterday was also the Sinterklaas party, and Sinterklaas happened to visit sometime Saturday night/Sunday morning and brought all of us a gift. Dank u Sinterklaas!

We all got plenty of rest over the weekend and, knock on wood, Anna has been sleeping completely through the night lately. Most nights since she's moved to her bed she awakes one time, gets out of bed and thinks it's time to get up. Sometimes she'd be sleepy enough to just go back to sleep, sometimes not. I'm hopeful this phase is over. I like my sleep!

Anna has been pretty funny lately. For example, if I suggest we change her diaper she'll say to me "no thank you Momma, I'm fine". LOL! On our way home from the Sinterklaas party, Edwin was getting more chocolate and Anna scolded him "no Papa, that's enough!" Edwin didn't think that was too funny but Saskia and I laughed. Lately she's been crawling into boxes, the clothes hamper, etc., and wanting Saskia to push her around. Sas has been a good sport, pushing when she can. Saskia and I have also been coerced into running around the middle part of the house pushing one of the doll baby strollers, chasing Anna who is also pushing a doll baby stroller. Oh well, I figure any thing to allow her to run off some of that energy, wear herself out. In the car she's able to see a lot so usually on the drive home from daycare Anna will point out buses, airplanes in the sky, the lake if we drive by it, now she points out holiday lights and today noticed teddy bears in a store window.

Time just keeps rolling along. The days seem to blur, then the weekend comes with a flurry of activity and then the days blur again. I may have to take a day off soon to care for Anna while Marion is busy, otherwise I'm just looking forward to the four-day weekend we have with Christmas. Maybe this break I'll get back to my scrapbooks?

I just mixed up a double batch of roll-out sugar cookies and they're chilling in the refrigerator. I'm not sure yet which night this week I will try to tackle the baking, tonight I cleaned out the oven and in a minute I'll do some work. I'm just not as motivated as I'd hoped I'd be tonight, but I did get to snuggle with my sweet girl so I'm not feeling too bad about it!


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