Monday, November 12, 2007

Random Updates

Edwin joined me on Saturday as I attempted for a third time to have Anna's pictures taken. This time, we went to the Target Portrait Studio in Eden Prairie, and despite having yet another difficult time getting Anna to cooperate, in the end there were about 5-6 decent poses we could use for ordering pictures. Julie rocks, period. She's definitely worth driving to Eden Prairie. The pictures aren't available until the 26th, so it'll be a while before I'm able to send any out.

Our number one choice for removing our built-in air conditioners and doing other tasks around the house has neglected to provide us with a written estimate, so that work has fallen through for the time being. Sigh! Another winter with those nasty, plastic-covered things in the house. Blechhh! I didn't even take the plastic off them in the spring, I figured if you could feel cold air rushing in during the winter, cold air was probably rushing out through them during the summer as well.

Anna has been an eating machine lately. It's always so strange when this happens, and I just try to keep the food coming when she goes through one of these spurts as they don't occur very often. Sunday morning she ate a bowl of Wheaties with Edwin, then later when we all went out for breakfast had half of a very large pancake and some of my scrambled eggs! Soon we'll be switching her from whole milk to 2 percent. She knows the colors yellow, green, orange, blue, white and red, and sometimes mixes up purple and pink. She knows the letters A, B, C, D, E, K, M, O, P, R, and W. She loves the number 4, and I think also knows 2, 6, 9 and 0. Sometime I'll need to make a list of the words she says, new ones recently have been quesadilla, pretend, noisy, pumpkin, armadillo. Favorite books are Good Night Gorilla, Curious George Rides, and the When I go to the Playground/Store/Farm/Preschool books.

All for now, and it's late so I should be off to bed!


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