Sunday, November 04, 2007

Miss Boo is Two!!

Miss Boo turned two years old on Tuesday. As I did last year on her birthday, I took the day off from work to spend with her and made a couple appointments around town. First was a doctor's appointment--Anna is now 25 pounds and 33 1/2 inches tall. I also let her watch cartoons on PBS Kids, then later we had a photo appointment at Target. She did not cooperate at all, so I've rescheduled for this week. Keep your fingers crossed!

Later we all went out to dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. I'd had the idea weeks ago for us to go there, as we'd just seen all of my family for Charlie and Sharon's wedding, and will be hosting Thanksgiving at our house again this year. I'd called in advance to see if it was okay for us to bring a cake (it was) and if we needed reservations (for a Tuesday night, we didn't). It went really well, and Anna loved checking out all the fish tanks and looking at the different "animals" and attractions in the restaurant. Here's the birthday girl in her new sunglasses:

Last night we had our first fire of the season in our fireplace. We still have a ton of firewood by the house, which Edwin says has now dried out perfectly and burns well. It certainly gives the pops and fizzes you would expect in a traditional wood fire, very calming. A couple months ago I finally found a new screen and tools from Pottery Barn ... the dimensions are perfect and the single screen is sturdy, and heavy enough that I no longer worry about Anna knocking it over if she gets too close. It looks lovely and got compliments from the company we had over to our house that weekend.

Halloween night our neighbors Nicolle and Mike invited us over for dinner and trick-or-treating. We love to receive the invitation as they have fine taste in food and wine and we enjoy their company, and their kids Maddie and Ethan. Anna loves their little dog, Barclay. Anytime we hear a dog barking in the neighborhood Anna perks up right away "Barclay? Barclay barking Momma" she says. So, between Halloween and the celebration at 50th and France a few days before, Anna got plenty of candy and plenty of attention for being a black kitty cat.

Our days have been full.


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