Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Sunday I was able to see the movie Waitress, which to my pleasant surprise was still playing in a theater. I'd heard a lot about the movie, and about Adrienne Shelly, who wrote, directed, and had a major part as one of the best friends of the main character.

It's hard to know where to start in discussing the movie, there were a lot of themes which I could identify. Feeling stuck in your life and not knowing what to do to change your situation. Feeling like you need to hide your plans. Girlfriends sticking together through difficult times. Having that moment of clarity when you realize exactly what you need to do to change the direction of your life. The person you least expect to be supportive doing or saying something which encourages your goals.

On the way to the movie I stopped at the Opitz outlet on Excelsior Boulevard. There are a few outlets clustered together in that area, and though I've driven by numerous times I've never stopped. Now I feel silly about that because there were some incredible deals there. I somehow managed to restrain myself and just looked seriously at tall brown dressy boots. I quickly found a pair that I adore, and according to my receipt I saved $126! LOL! I guess they are Italian.

The War wraps up tonight, I've been successful in taping all the episodes and will have to go back and start watching again from the beginning. I have caught pieces here and there, some footage I've actually recognized from being on other documentaries. So many stories.

Tonight Anna and I finally found and bought a big girl bed that I think will look great in her room. Craigslist did come through for me. This bed is actually new, it is a sturdy white bed with a rounded headboard and footboard. I would love for the mattress to be higher off the floor, but I found by looking at twin bed styles for kids that is hard to find, unless you want to buy a bed with drawers or a trundle underneath. So now the question is when to put the bed together and make the switch. The place where we went has promised to call me when the nightstand arrives, hopefully that will be soon.

We're close to choosing a handyman for the work we'd like done around the house, and the business we hired in the spring comes on Thursday to replace the boiler. It'll feel good to have more tasks completed on our house to-do list.


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