Tuesday, September 04, 2007

My Weekend Just For Me

So, my weekend just for me has come and gone. It was lovely, and too short of course. But then again I can't be away from my little Boo for long.

Friday evening after work I headed to the Science Museum, where I had tickets for the Pompeii exhibit. It was quiet at the museum, as I'd hoped it would be. I had read so much about the exhibit when it first opened, that I wasn't too surprised by what I saw. I wished instead of the Omnitheater movie about Greece that the movie "Ring of Fire", about volcanos, was shown again. Still, everything was quite amazing to consider--Pompeii was so sophisticated, contained so much art, the city so well planned--all in 79 AD! Though I knew a lot of what to expect, I didn't go away disappointed.

Saturday I did a few things around the house, went to the movie Once at the Lagoon (thumbs up!) and then met a friend for dinner later that evening. A coworker had recommended Once to me, about a street musician in Ireland who's encouraged by a Czech immigrant to make a recording of his music, how they collaborate and later part ways. Now I want the soundtrack ... if they had sold it in the lobby of the movie theater I'd have it already. Loved, loved the music.

That evening I met friend Melissa for dinner at the California Cafe in the Mall of America. Love that place, too. So many tempting items on their menu, including sangria, which I haven't had all summer. I'd been there before with Edwin, long ago. It's been a long time since I've been out for a nice dinner. Our husbands are a lot alike--I think we're both lucky to have someone to talk to about this! That's all I will say. :)

Sunday morning I picked up some muffins, donuts and scones at Gigi's and headed to Maple Plain to visit Edwin and the girls at their camp site, part of Baker Regional Park. We'd all actually biked near there about a year ago, the infamous bike trip that Saskia's brake malfunctioned and we got caught in a brutal downpour for many miles. It brought me to happy tears to see Anna again, litte Boo running down a hill as fast as she could to give me a hug. She had a blast camping--swimming in the lake, playing on the beach, biking, playing on the playground, sleeping in the tent. She also reminded Edwin--"Papa, careful, hot" when he got too close to the fire. She felt heavier when I picked her up, her appetite has picked up recently so I wonder if she's in the middle of a growth spurt. As I was getting ready to leave, she happily put her helmet on for a bike ride, taking her pal George along.

Later Sunday I did more scrapbooking (I'd started on Saturday) and started watching the Ugly Betty DVDs I'd bought at Target. Sigh! I just couldn't resist. I love that show! I was buying a birthday gift for Edwin when I saw them. So I watched the first 3-4 shows between Sunday night and Monday. One of the shows I hadn't seen before, and there were plenty of other parts I'd missed.

Saturday, Sunday and Monday I got exercise, so I'm quite sore today. I see improvement in my legs, but not on the scale. Oh well. I've left out all my scrapbooking stuff ... now that my nights are relatively free, I'm sure I'll work on it some more over the next few days. I need to finish Anna's baby album this time around.


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