Friday, August 31, 2007

Looking Back Before Looking Ahead ...

So, the summer of 2007 is about to come to an end. The days are obviously shorter, and lately the weather has been just the kind of weather I love--cooler, crisper nights, bright sunny days with the bluest of blue skies. Autumn is on its way!

Mid-May had our trip to South Carolina, which seemed like the perfect time of year to travel to that part of the country. What a lovely, relaxing trip that turned out to be, and perfectly timed considering how the rest of my summer turned out. The more I travel around this country the more I'm amazed at how different the states, the regions of the country are from one another. I used to think we were all the same kind of people, just living in different types of land which shaped the history and livelihoods and cultures of the people living there, but more and more I'm realizing the characteristics of the people are so different, too. Characteristics which may or may not be retained as we all move about.

June had a few gatherings and events, but seemed mostly like a resting-up for the busy month of July, in which we had the visits from Edwin's parents and niece and our own trip to Chicago with Anna mid-month. I've gone to many garage sales, more than I have in years. I've found clothes for Anna to grow into and a few books, Anna found toys and new babies, often naked babies needing some love and attention. In June Anna met a few of her aunts and uncles (Linda, JoAnn, and Peter) and cousins (Andrea and Ashley) for the first time.

Ma, Pa, and Marije enjoyed their trip to the US, spending time in New York City and San Francisco in addition to the time spent with us. We had some nice conversations over dinners at home, and Edwin planned a couple outings as well. I found out that Edwin's dad is a big fan of the Sopranos, and Marije loves the Gilmore Girls shows from television. They all adored Anna and after a short period of getting used to them Anna adored them right back. Unfortunately, during the second part of their trip here was when Anna was sick with her week-long fevers and roseola, so wasn't her usual self. A couple weeks later Anna was sick again--not eating, drinking little, throwing up over the course of a few days and worrying us with her lack of appetite. She's not a big girl, so I hate to think she's losing even more of her weight by being sick. We had several nights of her waking up in the middle of the night, vomiting. Uggh. Poor girl. Another blur of time.

This month has just been more of the same ... work, going to the park, walking around Lake Harriet, riding the trolley with Anna, garage sales, trying to keep up with everything at home. I have correspondence to catch up on, organizing to do, and plans to make to perk up the house a bit. We coincidentally got a flier on our step from painters who specialize in ceiling repair and painting, which we just so happen to need on practically the entire first floor of our house. Hmm.

Here are some new pictures of Louisiana ...

Reading her scary sounds Halloween book. Look at that hair! I still haven't had it cut, yet.

Here she is in her new anywhere chair, which she loves. I got it for her birthday, but then realized it was kind of silly to make her wait to get it. It's the perfect place for her to watch Annie, her latest obsession. Along with shoes. We have the more recent Disney version of Annie with Kathy Bates, Victor Garber, etc., which was directed by Rob Marshall (Chicago). Anna LOVES to watch Annie--she'll point to the television and yell "Annie! Annie" whenever Annie comes on the screen. She'll also try to sing along with some of the songs (especially the one where she sings that her parents will call her baby, maybe), and there's one line "Watch out for Molly!" that Anna likes to say after Annie says it. Funny girl.

All for now!


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