Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Random Updates

I'm now able to see the end of this extremely busy time at work. Everything's slowly coming under control, I think. I wonder how the big meeting will be, if I will go away happy or frustrated. I guess we'll see.

I'm back to reading Mists of Avalon, and disheartened to see I'm only about 1/3 of the way through. Oh well. When one goes to bed at 11, it's hard to stay up very late to read.

Anna seems to say at least one new word every day. Wow! Lately she's added the words broken, stroller, squirrel, and blankie to her vocabulary. Of course they're not perfectly spoken, but close enough that I can tell what she's trying to say.

Finally the last of the bridge collapse victims has been recovered--the man who was part of the construction crew working on the bridge at the time. I'm also relieved that there appears to be a consensus on the design of the new bridge, especially the idea of making it light-rail friendly. After all, if bridges are built to last 30-40 years, doesn't it make sense to keep open the possibility of light rail? Who knows what might happen in the next decade or so, it's certainly foreseeable that there would be some type of light rail line to the north. I'm proud that Mayor Ryback held his ground on this issue.

I am so looking forward to Labor Day weekend. I've sent several pictures to Linhoff Photo to be printed, I just need to pick them up. I have more to send, I only got as far as where I left off last time (our trip to Holland last summer) to Anna's first birthday, so I still have almost a years' worth of pictures left to go. I have a list of things in mind that I'd like to do around the house, too, I feel so behind on housework and projects. Always so hopeful, I am.

In the background now is a show on CNN with Christiane Amanpour called "God's Warriors", attempting to cover the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian conflicts around the world. Very, very interesting. I wish I could watch the show more closely, it's over three nights and last night and tonight I have it on while I'm doing some work.

This is all I can think of for now ... I have a lot on my mind but not a lot of words at the moment, I guess.


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