Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Up and Down

Last Friday I went from being incredibly happy to incredibly sad in fifteen minutes or less. My crazy busy weeks are expected to continue at least until the end of the month. I am trying to pace myself at work and keep up on things at home. Anna continues to be a joy and just a smile from her reminds me of what's truly important during these trying times.

Friday morning I was happy because I'd met my first major deadline at work--all my June 1st laws were uploaded so my statutes had a June 1st currency date. Woohoo! I did have a couple of errors which needed to be corrected, but none that were substantive. I was thrilled, though realized immediately I'd have to begin work for my next big effective date--July 1st.

Very shortly thereafter a friend at work shared with me the news that Bob had died in the night. We're all still in shock, there were still several people who must have been out late last week, and hadn't the chance to learn that the end was so near. I just can't believe he is gone. It's a great professional and personal loss for his team and obviously a loss for all of us who considered him a friend. Since I haven't worked on USCA for some time, I didn't see the empty cube on a daily basis and it was hit and miss what information I'd hear regarding this second round of chemo, etc. And now it's all over and we share our memories the best we can, instead of tears. All the arrangements have been made, and since the service is on Friday night it doesn't conflict with any part of my schedule and Edwin is available to be with Anna that night. I was afraid there would be some problem that would cause me to not be able to go, it is such a relief to know there is not.

Edwin has been away a lot lately, both for work and last weekend for a golf outing with my brothers Charlie and Paul, and Charlie's fiancee Sharon. Right now he's in NYC at the Webbie awards--Findlaw won a Webbie so he got to attend. Over the weekend while he was gone, I made some plans with Jamie to attend St. Joan's with me to hear Keith Ellison speak, then we went out to breakfast at Hot Plate (yum!) and brought Anna along. It was a nice time, and she did feel very comfortable there. Jamie joked that it felt weird to be a Jew going to a Catholic church to hear a Muslim speak--only at St. Joan's!!

Our peonies have been blooming for over a week now. I try to cut them just before they bloom. I've had a couple vases of them in the house, and have also brought them to work. So lovely. Our lilacs don't seem to do as well, I wonder if they get too much sun? We also have irises in front of the house, dark purple irises that are now in full bloom with probably 10-15 flowers total. I should do some research to see if I could force them to bloom again. They are very easy to reach so would be easy to dead-head if that is what is required.

Saskia had her birthday over the weekend, she is now 11. In addition to a couple new books and a stuffed animal from Anna, we bought her tickets to the upcoming Kelly Clarkson concert for her birthday present. Edwin will go with her, we've decided (fine with me!). July is already filling up, with our trip to Chicago and Edwin's parents and niece visiting us. It has been an interesting time, consciously or subconsciously she has learned how to manipulate certain differences in the households to her advantage. No surprise, any kid would do this. Why not? I suppose. I just remind myself that I can only control, only have an influence on what occurs in my house, all the rest is beyond my control. Time will tell.

Well, I should go and do my one big household task for the night (clean the downstairs bathroom) and my work task for the night (finish reviewing what needs to be done with the July 1st laws) before I go to bed. I certainly have been using caffeine a lot lately to get me through--a medium skim latte from Caribou helps immensely.


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