Monday, April 16, 2007

Crazy Monday

I was home with Anna today. Well, not home really with all the running around that we did. What a day!

After breakfast we made a quick trip to Dunn Brothers for a muffin and a latte for me. I knew I'd need it, and I was right!

About mid-morning Anna had an appointment to get her pictures taken at the Eden Prairie Target Portrait Studio. I usually try to bring some personal props but this time I couldn't really think of much to bring. Finally I came up with my red wooden shoes, Anna's doll Betty, and stopped to buy some tulips on the way. Like the last couple times I brought her for pictures, Anna wasn't very cooperative and was all over the place. Julie (from the York Avenue store!) did end up getting a few shots, but overall it didn't go so well. The rush to decide all the poses and photo sheets always makes me flustered, I feel fairly confident that I ordered the usual sizes and amounts. We'll see. I have been known to order more ...

Anna and I had lunch at the mall then headed for home. Of course she fell asleep on the drive home and woke up as I tried to put her in her crib. Sigh! It's always a hard call for me, whether to leave her sleeping in her car seat for her nap or try to put her in her crib and today I called it all wrong. Eventually she slept again in the car, but I bet she didn't sleep a total of an hour today. Not good.

Early afternoon we brought some consignment items to the nearby Turnstyle. I think a couple things were rejected because they were wrinkled, so I'm going to try to bring them back after I iron them. We then returned a few things to Marshalls, then headed to Inver Grove Heights to have the oil changed in my Rav4.

I have decided that as long as my car is under warranty (3 years, 30,000 miles) I will keep going back to my dealer. It's not far from work, though today driving to IGH was a hassle. Oh well. Plus, whenever we drive anywhere as a family it's always the Rav4 we take, I think it's worthwhile to give it some extra attention.

It wasn't until we were waiting for my car to be done that I found out about the shootings at Virginia Tech. I don't have the television on now, so I don't know the latest, but 32 people dead? That is just unbelievable. How could someone just shoot 32 people? I can't imagine. There have been times in my life that I've been really unhappy, and have felt that I've been treated badly or unfairly. The saving grace was being able to see an end to my misery, knowing that at some point things would get better if I hung in there and didn't give up. Plus what was the alternative? Giving up? Shooting people and killing myself? How does someone get to that extreme?

After the oil change, our next destination was a quick visit with my sister Cheryl at her workplace in Bloomington. Long ago I was supposed to visit her at work with Anna in tow but had to cancel at the last minute. I have always meant to make that up and today turned out to be the day. After a 20 minute nap in the car (!!!) Anna was back to her usual self and very sweet to Cheryl's coworkers. As I told one, I don't know whether to feel proud that Anna is so social, or horrified that she goes up to strangers and readily accepts gifts and shows them her belly!

So now we are home and Anna is finally in bed. I am tired but will try to do more than update my blog tonight! I think I will continue prepping the trim in my bedroom--I have repainted our door and trim on one wall but have three windows and the other three walls to go. Or should I work on her scrapbook instead? Such exciting decisions for a Monday night!


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