Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I've got a Shoe-Crazy Girl!

Yesterday when I picked Anna up from daycare I found her wearing different shoes than what I'd dressed her in that morning. Turns out, before she and Edwin left the house she found other shoes she liked better and insisted he change them for her. LOL! It doesn't matter whether the shoes are 2-3 sizes too big for her, she'll wear them anyway. Edwin now calls Anna "Carrie Bradshaw" from Sex and the City.

The days keep flying by, and the weather has been beautiful--sunny and warm, we're being teased with spring. The snow is melting fast and there are brown patches of grass showing through and puddles everywhere. Once we got home from work yesterday we walked down the block to the playground just to get some fresh air. I had a window open for a few hours, I need to open a couple more to air out the house before the cold returns.

Also yesterday I went to a CLE where the featured speaker was an exonerated death row inmate from Arizona named Ray Krone. His story is just horrible--a woman at a bar he frequented was murdered, and somehow the police got it in their mind that he and the victim had been dating and focused on him as the sole suspect. Exculpatory evidence was completely ignored and not disclosed to his attorney--there was blood and saliva on the victim which didn't match her or RK's DNA, and he fully cooperated with the investigation and did everything he thought would help, knowing in his mind he was innocent. All he did to help backfired on him. The prosecutor completely ignored all the signs that he had the wrong man, and RK spent years on death row before attorneys from the Innocence Project were able to step in and help him.

I had listened to a past show from This American Life which had a death row exoneree who, once he was convicted of a murder he didn't commit, did all he could to be sure he'd be sentenced for death, in hopes that he could eventually get help from the Innocence Project or another, similar group. So he lied and made himself out to be a monster, got sentenced to death for the crime, after several years got help, and was exonerated. He gambled with his life and won.

Ray Krone was able to joke a little bit during his speech, but I just couldn't bring myself to laugh. People in the audience laughed but that made me feel uneasy. This just isn't funny. How can anyone with a conscience just shrug their shoulders over this kind of thing? Eventually the man who committed the crime that put RK away was found, using DNA evidence from the victim's body, but even then the prosecutor still attempted to pin it somehow on RK, offering the true perpetrator an especially good plea bargain if he'd claim RK committed the crime with him. WTF? Even when he was proven wrong he couldn't let it go. The prosecutor's name is Noel Levy, in Maricopa County, Arizona, and he's still there despite all that he's done.

It amazes me how people can still think there's no problem with the system, how people can disbelieve that stories like this can happen. And then, when it is proven that mistakes were made, evidence was covered up, instead of admitting the truth and making amends, those at fault do everything they can to cover it up and continue on with their immoral ways. What a crazy world, what a shame on us all.


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