Friday, March 09, 2007

I'm so Glad it's Friday

It has been a long week!

I received my Land's End order a couple days ago--the snow boots and the swimsuit both fit perfectly. Yes! It felt weird to order boots and a swimsuit at the same time, but I haven't had decent boots for years, and I wanted a new swimsuit for our upcoming vacation. I'm not usually the one to shovel snow, and Edwin takes Sas and Anna sledding so I've been able to easily go without good boots all this time. At least now I can frolic in the snow a little bit with Anna, and not ruin my other shoes by wearing them in the snow and slush.

I've moved to my new location at work and getting used to my new neighbors and job responsibilities. It's all going to take time, but I'm sure it'll be fine eventually. Everyone's been really nice so far, and it's far quieter than what I'm used to. I've asked my friends to ask me again in six months how it's all going, by then the newness will all have worn off.

I finished The Magician's Wife and am now floating between books. I thought I would start Mists of Avalon but it is SO long. I'm not sure if I'm up for a long book again so soon after Anna Karenina. We'll see. I actually got it last summer from Edwin's friends Hans and Margot, who both adore the book. Dilemmas, dilemmas!

On Sunday Edwin, Anna and I went to breakfast at the Good Day Cafe in Golden Valley (at 394 near 100) and loved it. Loved the food (eggs Benedict for Edwin, blintzes for me), loved the atmosphere, and the service was impeccable. Just a wonderful experience--it even felt trendy to be there and lighthearted. It's even given me ideas on how we could paint our kitchen (gray ceiling, tan walls, with occasional burnt orange?). So, I highly highly recommend this place, which also does lunch but not dinner.

Last night I worked on new letters for Anna's room. Right now, she has her name on the wall with letters I found from a vendor on eBay. They've been just fine, I wouldn't have thought to replace them until Anna broke one months ago. I've only been able to fix it using tape, which I think is tacky. It occured to me recently to just replace them all, and this time instead of searching on eBay I just went to JoAnn Fabrics and bought some larger, wooden letters to paint white. Then it occured to me that I could decopage something on the letters, they didn't need to be plain white--I could use some of the leftover wallpaper border we have from her room, and cut out some of the flowers from it to use. So I did this all last night and am really excited for how it looks so far. I'm so proud! I can't remember the last time I felt this creative! Now all I need to do is figure out how I will put them on the wall, and where. I don't want Anna to be able to reach them to just break one again. I love how her room has come together! Next is a little wooden keepsake box that I'll paint and decorate the same way.

Sad news--my friend from work, Bob, just learned that his cancer has returned. I don't know all the details, but he will be undergoing a second series of chemotherapy starting soon. My heart is heavy and he remains in my thoughts and prayers.

I really need this weekend to be a restful one ...


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