Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Watching Some TV

We don't watch a lot of television at our house, but we do watch American Idol and it's on now. It's such a long season if you watch every show ... we watched most of them last year, and just a couple of the later shows the year before that. Tonight I'm finding it very interesting the number of contestants who seem to expect the judges to choose them just because they want to go to Hollywood sooooo bad. Not that they're good singers (they're not), just because they really, really, really want to be the American Idol. Hello?

Well, that thinking drives me crazy. "I'm pathetic, feel sorry for me, give me what I want not because I deserve it but because I'm so pathetic". Ewww. I should have taken more psych classes. Were there psych clasess explaining these weird, borderline personalities?

Since my last post Anna is much better and back to her usual self. Last night she slept through the night without coughing, and her appetite is back to normal. I almost forget to give her her medicine, she's doing so well. She's been so funny, wearing all her necklaces and wanting to carry her little buddies around with her wherever she goes. I try to get pictures of her during these silly times and hope to update her blog with some of these funny pictures soon. I'm trying to pay attention to what her new favorite songs are these days, to make a new CD for her sometime. It's sweet to watch her sway and clap her hands to music she likes.

Speaking of music, I am currently addicted to the CD by Corinne Bailey Rae. I love practically all the songs, the most popular and my favorite "Put Your Records On" which is played on Cities 97 quite a bit. I've already decided that my next CD purchase will be a collection by Marvin Gaye that I found in a local gift shop. Unusual, I know, but I am finding that I love a lot of his old songs and think the purchase will be worthwhile.

As for the State of the Union address, I didn't watch it. I read a few things about it today, the most humorous being how Michele Bachmann made sure to give GWB a kiss after the speech. She's always good for a laugh, isn't she? I am still waiting for one of her former foster kids to give a shocking interview to a local newspaper. After all, there were dozens of them, one of them must have something scandalous to say about living in her household!

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Stay warm people!


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