Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hanging at Home

Anna's been sick with a cold and I am home with her today. This is at least day three, Edwin and I tag-teamed yesterday, and the day before. We thought yesterday was the worst of it, but last night she woke multiple times and now has no appetite at all. She has a doctor's appointment at 2:30 so we'll make sure it's nothing other than a cold to worry about. Sigh!

Monday was a work holiday and Edwin and I had planned to drop off Anna as usual and go to the gym, out to lunch, and then to the movie Dreamgirls. But our daycare provider was sick that day (and the next) so our plans were scrapped. It's been a long week. I keep reminding myself "it's Thursday, it's Thursday".

I see through the window that it is snowing some more. It is really pretty to have everything covered with snow, I don't mind that at all. I'm happy for the city of St. Paul that all this snow may mean they'll actually have a true Winter Carnival this year, I'm not exactly sure when it starts but it must be soon.

... Okay, we just got back from the clinic and the pharmacy. The NP said Anna had fluid in her lungs, which could lead to bronchitis or pneumonia. Poor girl! We got a prescription for antibiotics and she's now taking a nap after a very long afternoon. Thank God we brought her in today, if we'd waited another day I think it'd be far more serious. Waiting at Walgreens was very frustrating, it took over an hour between clearing up the new prescription coverage and then actually getting the prescription filled. So there I was with a crying, obviously miserable toddler trying to figure out a way of keeping her entertained and not having a clue how much longer it was going to take. Grr.

Our bathroom has now been done for about a week or so. I painted the closet and its shelves, and also painted the window. Now I just have to paint the closet door and the main door and frame. Edwin will need to rehang the window treatment and the towel racks, hopefully he can get to that this weekend. We're happy with the results, definitely. It's reminded me of the other small projects I'd like to tackle around the house. My father in law just called to see if they could visit us at the end of June, so I think that would be a good deadline for getting things done.

I just finished reading Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, which was a good read. Plus, now I have a better sense of what Saskia is reading, what life questions she may have. There are flirtations, the death of a young girl, and one of the main characters loses her virginity. Yes, you read that right, though it's not given a lot of attention in the book. That same character's mother had depression and killed herself, which is also not given a lot of attention but is mentioned. I'm curious what happens next to the characters, there have been two sequels.

In the last couple weeks I've also done some scrapbooking. I'm almost done with Anna's card album--I saved all the cards we received for her birth, baptism, and birthday and put them all in their own album. I also finished a couple pages of her baby album, and a few pages in the main album I like to keep of the things we all do as a family. I hope to spread out all my stuff on the dining room table this weekend and get at the albums again. If I can keep my supplies and all the items I want to scrapbook better organized it'll go much smoother.

All for now ... I need to get caught up on some emails!


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