Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Weekend

Our Christmas weekend was quite nice--we had a few activities planned, got some extra rest, and just enjoyed spending quality time together which we don't always get while busy with work and school. Saskia has been with her mom all week, so it was just Anna, Edwin and I.

Saturday was a typical Saturday until the afternoon, when we decided to go to the Minneapolis Institute of Art for a couple hours. Edwin had comp tickets to see one of the special exhibits, and we hadn't been there for a long time so we decided that would be a good time to go. Anna didn't last very long in the stroller before she wanted to get out and move around on her own. We also let her play in the children's area to burn off some energy. I hope she feels at home at the museum ... I'd taken her there while I was still on maternity leave and she was little enough to be carried in the Baby Bjorn. Sweet memory! That night we went to dinner at Guangs, a Vietnamese restaurant. It was delicious, though Anna didn't care for the rice noodles brought out for her. I guess she is picky about her noodles!

Sunday we strolled around Galleria a little bit and ended up picking out a light fixture for the bathroom at Pottery Barn. Afterward we had lunch at Panera, then took Anna swimming at the YMCA. She was scared at first--the pool we were in was a four foot pool, instead of a kiddie pool. But after a while she was having a great time and would let Edwin lift her up in the air and come splashing down into the pool.

Christmas Eve Edwin made crab cakes for dinner and we watched one of the movies we'd rented--Memoirs of a Geisha and United 93 (see both! the special features on both are definitely worthwhile as well).

I was still debating Anna's gifts to almost the last minute. I ended up taking a couple out for her to receive another time. Christmas day was gorgeous and I insisted we take a walk around Lake Harriet, so we did. That night we went to a dinner party at Laura's house, and Anna had fun and played with a new admirer, Spencer, who's almost three. Spencer loved giving Anna little hugs and kisses, so much so that even Spencer's dad would say to him "Where's your little girlfriend?" when Anna wasn't around.

More ...

Anna wasn't very interested in opening her gifts, but did like them once they were out of the boxes. She loves her Little People house, and the portable radio that plays nursery rhymes. She also got some duckies that light up, a new baby, and a big puzzle of the world which may have to wait until she's a little older. I had gotten her a push toy just before the holiday, and she may still have gifts to open from some of her cousins.

I was thrilled to get new diamond stud earrings from Edwin. I had a pair that I bought years ago as a special gift to myself, after I'd passed the PR bar. They were small and relatively cheap as I'd bought them when I still worked at Kohls. I was wearing them one day when Edwin commented that I should get some that were bigger, but I didn't think much of it. It's pretty easy to think that until you see the price tag! So that's what he got for me and I love them! He went back to the jeweler where he got my engagement ring (and we got our other wedding jewelry there). What a lovely surprise!


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