Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday, Monday

We had a great weekend, so it's hard to go back to work this week.

Friday night I went with Edwin to his work holiday party. Lucy came to babysit both Saskia and Anna this time, and Anna went right to her to play before we left so it was very easy for me to leave. The party was held at the History Center, which I love. The views of the Capitol, the Cathedral, and downtown are pretty impressive at night. It was a nice time, I met several new people from Findlaw and felt I had good conversations with most of them. It just felt good to dress up and get out of the house.

On Saturday we all went to the Sinterklaas party. I'd gone with Edwin and Saskia in the past, but it had been a few years and this was our first time with Anna. She had a blast! Lots of room for her to crawl around and explore, lots of other kids to observe, and lots of cookies for her to eat. We were pretty surprised because by the time it came to sit on Sinterklaas' lap she wasn't scared at all. I will have to post some pictures after we fix them up.

Thank God for Technology! I am so thankful we have a digital camera, and a few programs on our computer to edit the pictures after they've been taken. Practically every picture of Anna and Saskia has horrible red eyes, but we should be able to fix them all. The only trick is finding the time to do it.

Last evening I was able to get out of the house for a couple hours to go to the movie/documentary Shut Up and Sing about what happened to the Dixie Chicks after lead singer Natalie Maines made a comment about President Bush while on tour a couple years ago. I have their current album, which has a song in response to their experience called "Not Ready to Make Nice" and overall the album is excellent. It's unbelievable to me how nasty people got about it all, they even received death threats because they dared criticize President Bush. Of course people have the right to boycott their music and not want to listen to them anymore, but to physically threaten them? Call them traitors? Demand they be tried for treason? Just because NM said she was ashamed he was also from Texas? Yes people, ignore the enormous mess in Iraq and the death counts every day and stomp on your Dixie Chicks CDs, that really supports the troops! The current CD is called "Long Way Home" and I highly recommend it. The movie is good as well, but really only if you're interested in the topic. Shut Up and Sing is only playing at the Lagoon right now, and I've seen posters for it at the Edina theater. If anything, I enjoyed learning how they were inspired to write most of the songs on the album, to witness the collaboration.

After the movie I finished putting plastic on the worst of the windows, just in time for the cold. Brrr! One of the things we'd like Brad to do is help us fix the radiator in our bedroom. Funny, out of all the rooms in the house, the radiator in our bedroom is the smallest. I am anxious to get some help swapping it for a larger one, our room gets way too cold.

Brad thinks he may be able to start work on our bathroom later this week. We have hit a snag in ordering our medicine cabinet--the one I finally broke down and chose (and the most expensive, ouch!) is not available until January. WTF? We hope Brad can start work despite this--I see it as a sign to go with our second choice, Edwin's not so sure. Our first choice is described as "inspired by the Art Moderne movement of the 30s and 40s, this cabinet heralds high style and beauty" and as our house was built in the mid-30s I think that was a sign to Edwin for us to chose that one. Stay tuned!

I just got a few new movies to watch while Edwin is out of town this week--Oceans Eleven, Before Sunrise, The Birds, and About Schmidt. I've seen them all before except for The Birds. If you have never seen About Schmidt, you need to see it. It stars Jack Nicholson, so if you are a fan you have it made right there. It's got incredibly funny parts, and very sad parts as you can imagine his situation as his retired life unfolds. I look forward to seeing it again, it'll also make you think.

Stay warm everybody!


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