Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving, Etc.

Another Thanksgiving has passed. Diane and Tony came through for us and were able to provide the chairs that we needed for everyone--yay! It was a tight fit around the table but we survived ... one more person and I would have moved the kitchen table nearby as a spinoff table.

I happened to miss the green beans, but other than that I can attest that it was a delicious meal. I tend to like all the side dishes best, and this year was no different. Edwin is very proud to have pulled it off, and Saskia was a good hostess to the other kids there. Anna missed out, she seemed tired all of a sudden and I ended up putting her to bed just after the salad. She'd already taken a record-breaking nap earlier in the day--2 1/2 hours! She must have had a growing day.

During the weekend I noticed that Anna seems to have lost her baby look and now distinctly looks like a toddler, a little girl. Saskia and I were playing around with her hair a little bit and were able to get a barrette to stay in place for a while, sweeping her bangs out of her eyes. We can't wait to play with her hair, hopefully she'll let us! She's pretty cute in her pink footie pajamas.

I did make good progress on my scrapbooking, but didn't finish. I want Anna's first album to be perfect, so I'm almost afraid to work on it. It will have a lot of pictures, and I want to write a lot in the open space. We'll see. I need to be able to stay up at night to work on it, though, which seems to be a problem when my free time is mostly taken up with cleaning and laundry and I go to bed so early. I bought more pages at Archivers, so I should have plenty now.

My quest for a Christmas tree has ended--I found a three-foot, pre-lit tree at Michaels which is close to what I had in mind. It's silver. I'd also found a white one, with thicker branches at JoAnn's but opted for the thinner-branch look instead. I suppose there are more technical terms than that, but I don't know what they are so hopefully that makes some sense. Anyway, my intention was to have something very different from our regular tree, so this works. I already have it up on a table and now just need to decorate it. Wednesday may be the day, depending on how much homework Saskia has that night.

On Friday we all ventured to the Midtown Global Market contained in the renovated Sears Building off Lake Street. I think it is so cool that Allina chose to renovate this building for its headquarters, rather than building new. We enjoyed walking around the market, Anna especially enjoyed the live jazzy music being played as we were eating our lunch. She and another little girl a few months older got close to the musicians and swayed and clapped their hands to the music. It was really sweet. Anna is such a social girl with other kids her age, is she spots another child nearby she'll wave her hand as if to say hi and start babbling. She might even offer her pacifier, or whatever snack she might have. Sweet girl!

On Saturday and Sunday I ran a few errands, with and without Anna along. On Thursday before our guests arrived, Friday and Saturday we found time to take Anna on a walk and/or to the park, but on Sunday it was cloudier and not as nice. It's lovely to be out and about in the cool, sunny weather.

Here's a recent picture of Miss Boo. I love putting her in her little denim overalls.


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