Monday, November 13, 2006

Just an Inconvenience

Edwin was in a car accident yesterday, Anna was with him at the time. I was busy having my hair cut and colored, while he and Anna were on their way to Edinburough Park. Everyone involved in the accident is okay. He rear-ended an SUV in front of him, which was in the middle of making a right hand turn and then unexpectedly stopped. It was all at low-speed, yet enough to significantly crumple (? is that a word) the hood of the car and cause damage under the hood. I came home just as he and Anna were arriving home via the tow truck.

Edwin feels bad, as the accident was his fault and we're going to try to get by on one car until we figure out what to do. It's too early to know the extent of the damage and what estimate we'll get for repairs. But who hasn't had a similar thing happen to them, when either they've been the one to bump someone else, or be bumped? I've had both. That's what bumpers are for, in my opinion. It was just that in this instance, the difference in height in the vehicles resulted in damage. If he had hit another car rather than an SUV, my bet is the impact would have been bumper to bumper and both cars could have gone on their merry ways.

Regardless, it's added an inconvenience to our week. And an event which helps to keep life in perspective, because when it comes down to it NO ONE WAS HURT. Things like this happen, and you deal with them and move on. A car is just a car and can be repaired or replaced. It could have been a lot worse.

Edwin said Anna was a trooper the entire time. I guess she had a lot to say while she and Edwin were in the police car, filling out the accident report. That's my girl! :)

In other news, my hair is freshly cut and colored to a deep red. I have found a stylist that I like at the JCPenney salon, of all places, and this is the second time she's colored my hair. I like Carla a lot and have always been happy with the results of her work. I haven't always had a lot of loyalty to hairstylists (with the exception of Dana!) so for me to have gone back to the same person 5-6 times in the row is a big deal. The sign for me to stick with Carla became obvious during my maternity leave. Just a week or two before having Anna she had given me a haircut, which ended up holding for the six months until I was able to schedule another. Of course my hair grew a lot during that time, but it held its shape and still looked great.

On Friday I picked up Anna's latest professional pictures, which I will try to post out here soon. Many have been sent out, and the new 8x10 is in its frame in the living room. From now on I've decided to bring her in for pictures every six months. We'll see if I can stick to this goal!


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