Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Party Party Party!!!

Anna's birthday party was on Sunday (the 29th) from 11 to 1. For the last few weeks I've been trying to pull things together to make it special--from ordering the special first birthday cake with the duckies from Lunds, finding cute duckie favors, buying balloons and even decorating the dining room with streamers. All my family from the metro area came to the party--aunts and uncles Mary, Cheryl, Diane, Tony, Paul, and Charlie, cousins Claire, Austin and Drew, and Charlie's girlfriend Sharon, who I had not met yet. Edwin made homemade pizzas and salad for everyone, along with the cake.

Anna was a little dazed by all the company at first. She was still napping when most of our guests arrived, so she awoke to find about a dozen new people in the house watching her every move. We quickly fed her some snacks while she warmed up to the crowd and once she had something in her tummy she was her usual smiley self. She LOVED the cake! It had two duckies on the top, and she found the frosting especially delicious. Saskia was a great helper and stayed close to Anna so she wouldn't get scared of all the hustle and bustle around her.

Anna got some very generous gifts--money to go into her savings account, and a funny Curious George from Uncle Paul who makes noises and vibrates when you squeeze his hands and feet. From Auntie Cheryl she got a new Baby Einstein CD to play while she falls asleep at night--a collection of classical music. Gracie, Anna's friend from daycare, gave her a cute outfit. From Mommy and Papa she got the Amazing Animal Choo Choo, which was a big hit with both Anna and Saskia. Anna promises she will share it with everyone who would like to play with her. ;)

The only thing I wish I would have changed was to have taken more pictures!!

Frustration--With all the work I had done to decorate the dining room and get the cake from Lunds, did I take pictures of it all? Of course not! I got to busy caring for Anna and getting beverages for everyone. It especially pains me that I didn't get better pictures of the cake, it was so cute and Anna was so excited the first time she saw it. Sigh! Hopefully some of the guests will have pictures to share.

Later I will amend this post to add some of the pictures we did take, so far we haven't had the time to load and edit them. But soon!

Edwin and I both took Anna's birthday off work. We scheduled Anna's one-year checkup in the morning, and by the time we finished the appointment, had her blood taken for a iron/hemoglobin check, and she had a long nap to sleep it off it was early afternoon. Later in the afternoon I brought her in for one-year pictures at Target, then we made a trip to Linden Hills Park to play on the swings. It's funny--Anna recognizes when we're at a park and now gets all excited, shrieking and kicking her legs when she sees the playground equipment and kids running around. So far all we do is play on the swings and maybe go down the baby slide a couple times, there's so much more to do that she's not even aware of yet!

Frustration--I have been bringing Anna to the Target Portrait Studio for pictures every three months, since she's been born. I've been happy with them and have always been able to find a time and the location is very convenient. But, I forgot to print the coupons to bring along! Grr. With a coupon I could have gotten 40% off the photo sheets, and an 8x10 for free. I am so mad at myself because I have done this before. I can't adjust the price because the coupons needed to have been presented at the time of the session. There were a few cute poses to choose from and I'm sure I'll be happy with the photos but it just bothers me that I could have saved around $30 and didn't, due to my own forgetfulness. Then of course I think of that money and realize that could have bought a toy for Anna, or a new DVD I would have liked to own, etc. Sigh. Oh well.

Later that evening of her birthday Saskia joined us and we all went to Anna's favorite restaurant, Noodles. How do we know it's Anna's favorite? This girl is crazy for noodles! She'd love almost everything on the menu! At home she had more of her birthday cake for dessert, and the day came to an end. It was all a whirlwind, but lots of fun and a fitting way of celebrating our special girl!


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