Saturday, October 21, 2006

October Madness!

October is a crazy busy month for birthdays and anniversaries, so let me mention them all here:

9th: Joe and Jennifer's anniversary
16th: DeAnn's birthday
17th: Diane and Tony's anniversary
17th: Yvet's birthday
21st: Paul's birthday
22nd: Mary's birthday
24th: Linda and Jeff's anniversary
24th: Jeff's birthday
30th: Anna's birthday

I'm not sure that I'll get cards out to everyone, I'd rather not send a card if I don't have the time to write a letter, so in some instances a card doesn't get sent at all. Honestly, when I get a card with a quick signature and nothing else, I think what's the point? Save your stamp. So I'm not going to do that in return.

Despite all the special dates in October, my extended family has no special days in November. We thought that would change last year, as Anna's original due date was November 7. Something in November! A sure way to make "the calendar" every year, had it happened that way. Edwin, Saskia and I talked about Anna's impending birth quite a bit a year ago. Edwin and Saskia would have loved for the baby to have been born on Halloween, since they like the holiday so much. I'd rather the baby not be born on Halloween. Another prefered date was November 2, as Saskia's birthday is June 2 and we thought it'd be neat if they had the same date of the month. Other than Halloween, I was fine with any date as long as the baby didn't go overdue. I couldn't imagine going overdue, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. The anticipation would have driven me crazy had I gone overdue. I guessed the baby would come a little early, for various reasons, and turned out to be right. I also happen to like October's birthstone better! ;)

ONE THING THAT HELPS KEEP ME SANE: In short, my job can be very tedious. We've all been provided headphones and I have a good variety of music at work that I've brought from home, but lately I've been listening to past episodes of This American Life while I work. Here is a short description of the show, and it's website:

From WBEZ in Chicago This American Life
Hosted by Ira Glass, this weekly radio show on topics that aren't really news, but topics that relate to everyone's life in some way.

Generally, the hour-long show has three or four stories all based on the same topic. Most of the time, it's just ordinary, every day people sharing their experiences related to the main topic, or being interviewed by Ira Glass. Sometime contributers to the show include David Sedaris, Sarah Vowell, and Anne Lamont. Trust me, David Sedaris' books are far funnier when you are able to imagine him reading the words. Sarah Vowell is not only funny, but also has a fascination with history which I share. I put her latest book, Assassination Vacation on my Christmas list this year. Anne Lamont always seems to have a compelling insight on life due to her life experiences and faith, so I appreciate her as well. Anyway, the website makes available shows going back to 1995? 1996? and you can listen to them all free. So I do. I think the show actually airs on MPR on Saturday afternoons, but when would that ever be convenient? Listening to the show while I work is a nice treat and gets me through the tedium. Thank you!!

Today Edwin and I start shopping for the supplies we need to have our upstairs bathroom remodeled. We have found a handyman (Brad tells us he's not a contractor) to do the job, and as soon as he finishes his current job he'll be able to start with us. Yay! We expect that to be in the next couple weeks, and once started the job will take 2-3 weeks. It all depends on how difficult it is for him to remove the tile that is currently on the bathroom walls. He guesses this tile is original to the house and secured to the wall with concrete, making it's removal probably the most difficult part of the remodeling. We're very excited to have the bathroom updated, all the fixtures will stay in their current locations but just be updated. In addition to the bathroom, we're adding some additional side jobs to Brad's work, like installing a ceiling fan in Saskia's room, fixing our closet doors, replacing a radiator, etc. It'll be nice to have these things done!! And, if they could be done before Thanksgiving wouldn't that be fabulous?

Housework is calling ...


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