Friday, October 06, 2006

Home for the Day

Well, I spoke too soon in one of my recent posts--Anna is sick. Not horribly sick, but that borderline sick where you debate whether or not to bring her to daycare, whether it's bad enough to bring her to the doctor, etc. She's had a cough but not a lot of other symptoms until a couple days ago--a low grade fever, today a runny nose. I was up with her for about 2-2 1/2 hours in the middle of the night last night trying to work with her cough and get her back to sleep. I ended up digging out the humidifier for her room, cleaning it and setting it up. That should help a lot, according to the nurse I talked to on the phone yesterday.

Marion has alerted me to other things since Anna has been in her care, but I just don't think I need to run to the doctor for every little thing that comes up. There was a time in August that Anna had a fever, but it broke after 2-3 days and the highest it got was 102 so I didn't bring her in. I know I'm not going to get a prescription for her if it's just a cold, so as long as she's not showing any other scary symptoms I will let it run its course. In part I am trying to avoid the inevitable frustration of bringing her in and being told there's nothing they can do and to keep her comfortable. Kids do get sick, it's part of being a kid.

Anna still plays and smiles as usual and her appetite is still pretty good, so I don't think this will affect our plans for the weekend very much. I can't really make her sleep any more than she wants to, she's never been a great napper. It was lovely to hold her in my arms last night and just be there for her, trying to coax her back to sleep. These days she's too busy to want to be held for very long.

I do say, the times I've had to stay home with Anna due to sickness have always been lovely days weather-wise. Since these times have all been borderline, I can at least buckle her up and go for a drive, which is generally enough for me to feel I've gotten out of the house. Today we went to Turtle Bread, where I got some soup for lunch and shared a croissant with Anna. Then we went to Knollwood Mall. No pajamas for Sas at Old Navy, but, DSW still had my sunglasses which I had lost there months ago. At least I'm pretty sure those were the ones. YES!! Starting out the summer I had two pairs of sunglasses that I really loved, and though I rarely lose things I lost both pairs this summer. And got them both back! Lucky, lucky.

Yesterday I visited the closest library to us, the Linden Hills Library. It just doesn't occur to me to go there, the hours are erratic, it's not as big as the one on York, and parking can be a hassle because you have to park on the street. But, I found out they have toddler/kids storytime on Monday nights at 7, and their DVD and video collection is excellent! I ended up checking out The Love Letter, The Long Way Home, Breaking the Waves and Notting Hill. The only one of these that I've seen before is Notting Hill. I'll report back!

The last movie I saw in the theater was Little Miss Sunshine. First of all, it had Greg Kinnear, Toni Collette and Steve Carrell who are all actors that I like immensely. I laughed hard throughout the entire movie, I didn't find any of the storylines predictable, and often could relate to those roadblocks which pop up in life and the crazy things you find yourself doing to work around them. The comedy was a little naughty, but still clever. I mean naughty as in I-can't-believe-I'm-laughing-at-this!! naughty.

Well, so far my posts are pretty hum-drum day to day stuff. I'd like to think I have the capacity to go deep on certain topics, but there's just so much going on now in the world that's upsetting that I don't even know where to start. It's far easier to stick to the latest movies I've seen, Anna's most recent accomplishments, my activities of the day, that kind of thing. Oh well.


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