Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Go Twins!!

The Twins play the Oakland A's at noon today for their first playoff game. Very, very unfortunate time for those of us who must be at work. Oh well. A few of us fans are clustered in my work area so I expect we'll all keep each other updated through the game.

Somehow I knew the Twins would come back after their disastrous start to the season. I didn't expect they'd win the division, the Tigers lead seemed too far out of reach. I only hoped for a shot at the wildcard, funny how this all turned out. I remember Edwin teasing me about this early in the season after a particularly rough stretch and I predicted they'd come back. You can never rule these guys out. Their rallies are just unbelievable. I for one would not complain if they'd just take the lead early on in a game and keep it, these come-from-behind wins due to runs in the 8th and 9th innings are just too nerve-wracking.

In thinking about the Twins season, I realize their story this year is a good lesson in persistence and hope. Things can change, you continue to work hard and you don't give up. Now, the Twins have been rewarded with a playoff spot, a reward coveted by so many other teams. But what if they had not gotten the playoff spot in the end? There is still a reward, the reward of working hard and not giving up hope even with long odds. I think anyone, be it a team or an individual is entitled to be proud when they've kept up the intensity of pursuing ones' goals, whether or not the goal is reached. It's not all about the end result.

Yesterday was a breathtakingly beautiful autumn day and I made sure to bring Anna to a nearby park to play in the evening. She loves the swings, and I love to swing, too, so she goes on a baby swing by herself for a while, and also on my lap while I swing. We usually find a baby slide that she can go down, slides are much easier to do if Edwin is with me as one of us will be at the top and the other at the bottom to catch her. I wish I'd had our camera--the best part was setting her in the grass and piling leaves around her and throwing some in the air so they'd (gently) fall around her like rain. She loved it! It's those simple things which I'm finding meaningful. We have glory all around us.


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