Monday, October 02, 2006

It's October!

No statue of Venus, I ran out of time on Friday. Sigh! Let's just say work hasn't been very pleasant for oh, the last six months or so and I'm getting tired, feeling defeated by the numerous issues going on. It's been hard to remain hopeful, optimistic about this stuff.

At the moment I am snacking on a bag of Chex Mix, which has "60% less fat than regular potato chips". Hmm. I love Chex Mix, to the point that it doesn't seem like Christmas unless someone whips up a batch. The less fat feature is bonus. The "someone" could actually be me, since it's not that hard to make and I've made it before. Last year our lovely neighbors (to the north) dropped some off for us, I think I was the only one who ate it.

I had an exciting weekend in that I just got a new bike! Yay!! I've known for some time that a new bike would be in my future. As a family, we do a good amount of biking and my years old Huffy just wasn't cutting it anymore. Plus, no matter how much Edwin oiled it or how much WD40 I sprayed on it my brakes squeaked so loud as to bring attention to me. I'd browsed on Craigslist here and there hoping for a deal, but I didn't know what I was looking for, hadn't done any research.

Eventually I went to the Trek website and learned about their WSD bikes--women special designed. Perfect! The design is intended to ease lower back and hip pain which often occurs with women due to biking, and certainly happens with me. Since I found this information, I was set on getting this special design, so knew to ask for this when I went to check out the bikes at Penn Cycle. Then, with the help of a great sales guy who in addition to helping me narrow my bike search kept Anna entertained, I found my new bike--a 2006 Trek 7300, WSD. It's mostly gray with apple green. I think I need a new bike helmet to match! ;)

So Edwin and I went biking with Anna yesterday, not only is it a wonderful, new bike for me it's also far easier for Edwin to attach to the bike rack on the car. We drove to the French Regional Park in Plymouth, the trails are a little shorter than what we usually like but with Anna and me being so sore from my class at the Y on Saturday the distance was perfect. I didn't mind doing the short loop a couple of times, there were enough curves and small hills to keep it interesting and the leaves appeared to be in full color with lots of red sumac as well. It was a glorious sunny afternoon.

Anna is a trooper, she's still a little small for her trailer and bike helmet but we keep the trips short or take more breaks, she helps by somehow getting comfortable enough to nap for part of the time.

The Twins won the division!! OMG, I literally get chills when I discuss this dramatic turn of events with another Twins fan. The diehard fans must be over the moon! I need to learn the second verse of the Twins song (we're gonna win Twins, we're gonna score ...), as I've been singing it to Anna so she has another song to practice her clapping. More on this another day!

My other notable event of the weekend was taking a new class at the Y on Saturday. I generally don't take any of the classes at the Y, I prefer to just go to my machines or weights and do my own thing. However, this class was too tempting--the time was perfect, and it was a combination of three different areas of interest all in one. The first 30 minutes was beginner kick-boxing, the second 30 minutes core strength training, and the last 30 minutes fitness yoga. It went pretty well, I'm not that coordinated to keep up perfectly so missed many of the reps. I also had lower back and hip pain prior to the class so opted out of those moves which resulted in a jolt of pain to that part of my body. Otherwise, it was all good and I'd like to go again if it continues to work in my schedule. Ha!


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