Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hanging out

I'm at home, Anna's been in bed for a while now. All is quiet. Edwin's traveling for work most of this week.

In the background I have Eyes on the Prize on television. I taped it last night, so I don't feel as though I'm missing anything by being out here. I remember watching parts of it when it first was on television years ago and just feeling shocked, appalled, and ashamed by segregation and the black experience in America. I just didn't realize how horrible it was, and how relatively recent in our history it was. Shameful.

My current book is Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown. Without child I'm sure I would have finished it in a weekend, but with child I'm on my third week or so. This book takes place in Rome, more specifically Vatican City. Sigh! Another city I have the feeling I won't have the chance to visit!

Anna was not herself this evening so I'm on the watch for any new teeth or sniffles. Marion mentioned that Anna has a cough, but she has mentioned that before when I haven't noticed anything. I feel very fortunate that the few times Anna has been sick it has been something that has passed quickly. No ear infections yet, no diaper rashes we couldn't remedy, no middle-of-the-night trips to the ER.

As it does every fall, it saddens me that the hours of sunlight are getting fewer and fewer. Sigh!

I was very excited today to realize that the month of October is quickly filling with social events! Yay! We don't hire babysitters very much, but we will be at least twice this month due to dinner plans with friends Stephanie and Arvid, and a dinner party being hosted by a colleague of Edwin's. We also have plans to invite other friends over for dinner here and there, so our weekends are pretty full. After a couple months of hits and misses in trying to make social plans, I am very encouraged!

I've been very reflective so far this month, as my dear baby girl turns one on the 30th--she is my heart. There are times that I think of all the freedom I had prior to being a mom which I don't have now, and although I'd be lying to say I didn't miss it at all, I'm not lying when I say I don't miss it as much as I thought I would. It just doesn't feel right to be away from her for too long, to not be there to greet her when she wakes up or to say goodnight before she goes to sleep. Though on its face the early daycare hours appear tiresome, over time I have found it to be a blessing that I have to pick up Anna so early--it has given me quality time to be with her during the week after a full day at work. If her daycare went until 6 p.m. that would probably be when she'd get picked up, which allows for practically no time to be together before her bedtime of 7-7:30.

Anyway, my sweet girl is all I hoped for and I am blessed.

Well, I should close here and do something productive around the house ...


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