Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Little Here, a Little There

Well, I've set the appointment for my first platelet donation. I'll be going to the St. Paul Red Cross location, which seemed to have more times to fit my schedule. I'm a little nervous though I know it will all be okay, the procedure takes between 2-3 hours. My concerns are mostly for the goofy stuff--what if I have to use the bathroom? What if my nose itches? What if I don't feel up to driving afterward? Should I watch a movie, or try to read Anna Karenina (a real page-turner) while I'm there??

Last week I donated my old bike to the Sibley Bike Depot in downtown St. Paul. Bye bye Huffy! The organization refurbishes bikes, and then sells them at low cost. I feel good about this donation, the guy I talked to on the phone mentioned that most bikes go to international students attending the U of M. Isn't that nice? Here is their website:

Excellent news--Jim Webb (Virginia) and Jon Tester (Montana) have been officially declared the winners in their senate races. Claire McCaskill (Missouri) also won. So, the Democrats will hold the majority in the Senate as well as the House. Please, please, please people, don't f*ck it up!

I had a good laugh last week when Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser), came out. Duh! I have no gaydar, but somehow even I knew that one.

There was a big accident on my way to work this morning which required me to alter my route a bit. It was on 35E, just south of 494. By the time I got close the ramp to 35E was closed off, and as I drove over the bridge I could see that it looked major, affecting all the lanes and possibly having semis involved. Whoa! I racked my brains to think of who I could call to warn, all I could think of were Shannon and Ken, as they live in St. Paul and also work at West. But I didn't have their phone number anyway. I did call Edwin to tell him about it, though it's not his usual route. I also wanted him to know I was not involved and not stuck in the gridlock behind it.

Recently, the site of my car accident from years ago has had new traffic lights installed. Now there's a flashing yellow arrow as part of the lights, and an additional sign reminding north/south traffic on 149 that they must yield to oncoming traffic. Hmm. Makes me wonder how many other accidents like mine occured at that intersection (149 and 110).


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