Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Sickness Continues ...

Anna mostly got over her illness on Wednesday, by the next day she was ready to go back to Marion's house and me back to work but then Marion got sick. So, I ended up being home with Anna both Wednesday and Thursday. Edwin was out of town, so there wasn't even the option of tag-teaming the day, or my going in at night. I felt I had jinxed the whole situation by pledging all my time to do testing at work, I guess I've learned my lesson!

I felt a little off Friday morning, but it was nothing major. I think I was just tired from the long week. However, tonight Edwin is not feeling well. It may be another long night. I'm almost afraid to go to bed! But there have been other times that he's been sick and I've not caught it, so we'll see.

Anna, Edwin and I have all gotten the flu shot this year. I even got it last year when I was still pregnant, which seemed a strange thing to do. I did still get sick, but those 2-3 times whatever I had passed within a day. As you can imagine, it was just horrible. There I was home, sick and trying to care for Anna. As long as she didn't get sick, too, I knew I could deal with it and I did.

So, colds and flu and nasty bugs have been on my mind as of late. Sigh!

We have started to prepare for Thanksgiving. I have ironed the new, forest green tablecloth and napkins, and Saskia and I finished the placecards tonight. I've typed up the menu, and just have to print it off in the smaller print. I'm going to wait to do most of the cleaning the night before or that day. Edwin, Saskia and Anna :) did the grocery shopping today, Edwin and I will get our free turkeys from work on Tuesday. Somehow it all comes together just fine in the end.

Edwin's car has not been totalled, but is now getting fixed. We don't know how long it's all going to take, as there is both body work and repairs to be done under the hood. He's got a couple of work commitments which make it impossible to carpool this week, so he'll be renting a car for a few days.

I was so bummed this weekend--a couple movies I took out from the library didn't work out. I thought I'd taken out Girl With a Pearl Earring, but when I took out the videotape I found it had the wrong movie inside! So, I figured I'd watch Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? instead but the tracking was all screwed up and I couldn't get it adjusted. Grr! I was really looking forward to those movies, I've seen them before and was hoping to watch them again. Oh well! If you haven't seen either, I strongly recommend them.

The movie which did work was Sliding Doors, starring Gwyneth Paltrow. I am generally not a GP fan, not at all. But I like this movie a lot. It has always made me think--there are so many seemingly little things in life which can really change its course. Meeting or not meeting certain people, jobs you did or didn't get, accidents which occured just after you've passed through. So much we have no idea.

Anna Karenina is going incredibly well, I'm greatly enjoying the book. Anna has just confessed to her husband about the affair with Vronsky, and Levin has just caught a glimpse of Kitty on her way to visit her sister. I'm about a third of the way through and finding this book a far easier read than I had anticipated. Edwin doesn't remember the details (??), but he does remember considering AK one of the best books he's ever read. I know we have the book in Dutch packed away somewhere in the basement. It is definitely a treat for me to find a few minutes to read this book.

Life goes on.


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