Thursday, March 01, 2007

Whoa! Enough Snow for Ya?

Well, Edwin, Anna and I have all made it home safely tonight. I left work early, Edwin stayed later to try to avoid any problems. Can you believe all this snow? And it's not over yet according to all the weather forecasts I've heard.

In a way, it's nice to have the excuse to stay home from work. Otherwise, I'm hesitant to use to much vacation time without knowing when Marion will want to take more time off, or what other days I'll want to take off later in the year. I hope to make up half the day, the question only remains--do we try to bring Anna to Marion's house or not??

Despite all the hassles, the snow is beautiful. I should take some pictures. I did take pictures on New Year's Day with Anna in the snow, but this time it's even more spectacular. We'll see.

I thought I'd write more with this post, it seems as though I think of topics during the day while I'm at work and make a mental note to discuss them later, but right now I'm at a loss for words and just watching the clock, thinking instead about how I want to crawl into bed and read.

Recently we've had contractors at our house to give estimates for air conditioning. We had begun our research on this about a year ago, to get a sense of what our options were and what price range to expect. We're close to making a decision, and expect we'd schedule this work for March or April. We may also replace our boiler, which most contractors have guessed to be original to the house. (!!!) So, everyone cross your fingers that our boiler does not contain asbestos!! AC has always been a hard call--we have ceiling fans in the bedrooms, and window units that we've used, but should we pay the $$ to have it permanently installed? Well, we're ready and it helps immensely to think of the value it adds to the house. The garage and basement and deck and whatever else I'm not thinking of at the moment will have to wait for other years.

Off to my cozy bed and intriguing book!


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