Thursday, March 22, 2007


I cannot believe Sanjaya didn't get voted off American Idol last night. He is so bad. It's not even close. Who are these people voting for him? Don't they realize how cruel it is? Does he realize how cruel it is?

I got carried away and bought a couple DVDs at Target over the weekend. Sense and Sensibility, The Godfather II, Titanic. Each was under $10, I couldn't resist. Another DVD on its way is Death of a Dream, a documentary about immigrants who settled in the Upper Midwest as part of the Homestead Act. TPT 2 was having their pledge drive, and I renewed my membership when this DVD was a gift. When I'll have time to watch these DVDs, I don't know yet.

The days continue to fly by because I've been so busy at work. Work hasn't been this way for me in a very long time. Today I was all excited about the Governor (of Maryland) signing some bills and was disappointed to learn he only signed five. Five? Is that all? I couldn't believe it. And then I realized what a nerd I was to be disappointed by that. LOL!

I'm taking the day off work tomorrow. One of the errands I hope to run is to bring some of Anna's old things to Once Upon a Child. My heart aches to do this, though I know it's the practical thing to do. I've kept a few of her outfits that have had special meaning to me, but it's still hard. As I often say, "What happened to my teeny tiny baby? Where did she go?"


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