Saturday, March 24, 2007

All Tired Out

It has been a long day. I'm sore from jogging around Lake Harriet yesterday, and tired from needing to get up with Little Boo at 5 this morning. So am I in bed? No, I am here instead.

Today while out and about with Anna I had to yell at her using her full name. She had walked out of a store we were in and was about to go into the parking lot. Since the weather was so gorgeous, the store had its door propped open, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten that far. Basically, I'm to the point of not being able to take her many places now. She'll take off on me, which is just too scary to be worth most of the errands I run.

I took Friday off work and the day ended up fairly productive. I got a decent start to painting the trim in our bedroom, and spackled and repainted parts of Anna's bedroom wall which had holes from nails, etc. I'm just bummed because Once Upon a Child didn't take most of the clothing I had dropped off. I don't know if they're just not accepting spring/summer items yet--that is my guess, though it would have been nice for someone to tell me so. I may just bring these things to our local consignment store instead, where I've had some luck.

Lucy came to watch Anna last night so I could get together with my friend Melissa. Years ago now, she and her ex-husband and Edwin and I would go out to dinner or plan outings for the kids together. A lot has changed since then, but Melissa and I have stayed friends. We now have in common the fact that we're both stepmothers, and our husbands are eerily similar in the ways that they parent their daughters.

I did re-watch the Godfather II, starting last night. I don't know how many times I've seen it. I love, love Al Pacino as Michael Corleone. If I were Kay I would have fallen head over heels for him, too, despite his being a mobster.

Edwin has been out of town for a few days visiting friends and family in Holland. I haven't mentioned it to many people, I basically try not to advertise the fact when I am home alone, plus it was a surprise for his parents for him to go and I figured I didn't want to be the one to ruin the surprise if the wrong person happened upon the information here. The chance was pretty remote, but it was such a big deal to keep it secret I didn't want to be the one to mess things up.

I read something again today in the Strib that I thought was really cool, and was the subject of a previous front page article several weeks ago. Turns out, this time of the year is when songbirds migrate. A big problem with their migration is that in cities, the glow from skyscrapers can disorient the birds, eventually causing them to die (exhaustion from circling, or flying into the buildings). Well, skyscrapers in several northern cities are cooperating with environmentalists and not lighting their buildings as they usually do after dark, in order to help the songbird migration. It's estimated this will save millions of songbirds from death this year. Isn't that wonderful that an agreement like this could be reached?

Anyway, off the bed!!


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