Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lazy Sunday

It's a beautiful, sunny day and Anna is sleeping after a walk around Lake Harriet. I've decided to do nothing while she sleeps, no household tasks anyway. Ahhh!

Anna's latest obsession is taking the batteries out of the remotes around the house, and then try putting them back in. Funny girl. She also wants to put on her own shoes and socks, and zip her own coat. She's very determined, and I'm proud that she wants to do these things by herself and will keep encouraging her to do so.

We don't have daycare tomorrow (Monday) and Edwin is out of town for work so I'll be staying home with Anna. I've made appointments to get her pictures taken and for the oil to be changed in my car. The rest of the day will fill itself in by the time she takes a nap, we have lunch, etc. I hope it's a good Oprah tomorrow!

I'm in the midst of switching out my clothes ... taking out my spring/summer clothes and packing away the fall/winter stuff. It's always at this time that I see what I have, what to give away, what to try to sell consignment, etc. Feels good to clear some of these items off my shelves.

Soon I hope to finish Anna's first scrapbook/photo album, a task I've been putting off somewhat. Just like my wedding scrapbook, I'm so concerned about it being perfect and including everything in it, that I procrastinate working on it. Maybe I can push myself to do this during the week, as I'm over halfway finished and the next album is ready to start.

This weekend I borrowed a few movies from the library, so far I've watched Cactus Flower (Walter Matthau, Ingrid Bergman and Goldie Hawn) and I've re-watched Shakespeare in Love. Our local library has a great video selection, both tapes and DVDs, and it's a good excuse to go for a walk to either return or pick up new ones. I love Ingrid Bergman, I need to try harder to find some of her movies to watch. One of the greatest compliments I've ever received was at a restaurant when the server claimed I looked like her and wondered if anyone had told me that before. I just about fell out of my chair! I'll never forget her kind words, as I was very pregnant at the time as well.

Another job coming up soon is for us to clean and paint the little play house in our backyard. Saskia has always been too big for it, but now that Anna is running around and enjoys being outside it will get some use. We're not sure which previous owner built it, but it's decorated like the house--white with teal-green trim and window boxes on the front windows. Anna is very interested so we'll have to do this soon.

That's all I can think of right now!


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