Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Long weekend!

Friday night was glorious! On the way home Anna and I stopped at a park to play and have ice cream, and then later after we met Edwin at home we all went to another park to play some more. The swings are still her favorite, but lately the teeter-totter and the slides are picking up in popularity. While with Edwin and Saskia at the park later in the weekend, I guess Anna found some very tall slides to climb and go down by herself. Yikes! Probably a good thing I wasn't there to see it (and have a heart attack!). I was told another kid tried to cut in front of Anna while going up one of the slides, but she stood her ground and gave the kid a dirty look. That's my girl!

We went biking for the first time on Sunday, around the lakes. I am so disappointed to see that the paths around Lake of the Isles still haven't been repaved. The walk path has been ripped apart for a couple years now. Hmm. I hardly ever go around that lake, anyway, but still. I loved getting out on my bike again. Anna cried when it was time to go into the trailer and wouldn't wear her helmet. She did stop crying and I let the helmet go, but will try again next time we go out. During the trip we stopped at a playground on Lake Calhoun. This was a new park for us and very nice. Anna loved it! It seemed like all the playground equipment was perfect for her and there was plenty of shade to hang out and have a snack. From there we stopped for lunch at Gigi's Cafe--delicious! I've now been there for both breakfast and lunch. It's at 36th and Bryant, just a couple blocks from Lake Calhoun. Sooner or later we'll try it for dinner as well, we're quite impressed by the number of Belgian beers they have available.

I finally finished painting all the trim in our bedroom, I'm very proud of the accomplishment. Windows are so time consuming, and we have three of them in the bedroom, as well as the door. I think it all looks so much better than before. I still need to replace some of the hardware on the windows, plus I may need to go back and paint the radiator if it's not something we can afford to replace in the near future.

Over the weekend Edwin painted the inside of the little playhouse in our backyard. The house has always been too small for Saskia to enjoy, but Anna loves it as it's the perfect size for her. I had some blue paint that I had planned to use in the downstairs bathroom, but we used it in the little house instead and it looks great. I'm feeling artsy, so my plan is to paint a sun, some clouds, maybe flowers and grass, etc. over the blue. At Settergren's hardware I noticed that they sell a lot of sample-sized paints--perfect for picking up small amounts of different colors. I also have another chair for Anna that is primed and just needs to be painted, and I might as well spend a little time fixing up the outside, too.

Saturday afternoon Saskia and I went to the movie "Bridge to Terebithia". I remembered that I'd read the book long ago, but didn't remember until the movie had started that someone died in the end. I enjoyed the movie despite it having such a sad ending. Saskia said she hadn't seen it before, but who knows. I think it was quite some time ago that it had come out in the theater, and she sees a lot of movies with her mom so I think it's quite possible that she has seen it but just didn't remember.

Otherwise, there aren't too many movies in the theater that I'm interested in seeing right now. I took a few out from the library, over the weekend I watched "Shattered Glass", about the former New Republic reporter Stephen Glass and how he completely fabricated dozens of articles until finally caught and fired. Crazy. Then later, after attending law school, had the audacity to write a book about a journalist who does what he did in real life. Right now I'm watching the Hitchcock film "The Man Who Knew Too Much" with Jimmy Stewart and Doris Day.

Anna has been so funny and sweet lately. She very much wants to be independent, to sit on her own chair (without a booster seat), put on her own shoes, brush her own teeth, etc. I encourage her as much as is reasonable for an 18 month old. She also wants to be a helper, and will pick up a broom and start sweeping, throw things in the trash, even pick up her toys from time to time. I'm so proud!

The weekend was productive and relaxing, full of activities as usual but that is life. It doesn't take much for my time to fill up, and I certainly still have plenty of tasks on my to-do list for a long time to come. It's nice that I can let some of those things slide and go biking, watch a movie, etc. here and there.

So far the plants in my window boxes and flower pots are doing just fine. Despite the rain I've been trying to water them every other day, or every two days. I have yet to plant window-box plants that have survived the summer. This time it is geraniums in the window boxes, hot-pink in color, and yellow and hot pink Rieger begonias in my pots. Supposedly all the plants are hardy strains--we'll see! Edwin even bought me a special attachment that goes at the end of the garden hose to use for watering, so the chances of the plants surviving have improved.


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