Thursday, May 03, 2007

In Defense of Rosie

For the last several weeks I've been checking out Rosie O'Donnell's blog from time to time, and watching video clips from The View. I think the time that I started was right around the time she questioned whether Donald Trump had any moral authority to determine whether Miss USA deserved a second chance after her partying and wild behavior. Interesting how that whole exchange spiraled out of control.

Now of course Rosie is the target of much more controversy, and I'm definitely offended on her behalf. So many statements are attributed to her that are not true, things she's never said, and it's being spun ... and spun ... and spun.

What amazes me are the people who blow off her comments because she is fat. Or a lesbian. Or is loud. What does a person's weight, sexual orientation, or manner have to do with the substance of what that person is saying? Are people really that shallow? Or, are they unable to think a little deeper than headlines? It's always a sign of weakness to me when a person resorts to attacking a person's physical appearance as a basis of attacking their views. Hello?

I still don't understand how wanting to bring troops home from a fraudulent war means they are not being supported. Or, how not supporting the war, or questioning the reasons why are troops are in Iraq or Afghanistan means I am un-American.

I think so many of these attacks on the opinions of others are basically defense mechanisms, because who wants to admit they are wrong? Funny how everyone's coming out of the woodwork to criticize the president, now that he's comfortably in his lame duck session. Where were they in 2004? Oh, that's right, they're running for re-election now. Or they've just written a book.

As for Rosie's manner, I can understand how it would be difficult to remain calm when you are passionate or upset about something. Innocent Iraqi civilians, our troops are dying in Iraq every day. At what point is someone entitled to outraged, if not now? We are FIVE YEARS into this mess, spending billions and billions of dollars, and there's no end in sight. When is it okay to get upset and demand a change?

So, I'm in Rosie's camp. For people who are so offended by her, I much prefer they actually listen to her words and disagree with her words, rather than her. If you disagree with her because she's fat, or a lesbian, or makes more money than you, then you're missing the point.


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