Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Countdown to Vacation!!

I can't believe the trip to South Carolina is almost here! Wow! I can't wait to see the ocean again. Plus, it now appears that I'll be heading to Chicago at the end of July! The week Marion needs off happens to coincide with time that Edwin is in Chicago for work so Anna and I will be joining him for a couple days! Woohoo! I'm confident that I can find enough activities for us while Edwin is busy with his work commitments.

What a glorious weekend! Well, glorious except for Saturday afternoon, when Anna got sunscreen in her eyes and screamed bloody murder while with Edwin at the grocery store. Poor, poor girl. We're still not exactly sure how it happened--if she had some on her hands and rubbed her eyes, or if she rubbed it in her eyes from what I had put on her cheeks and nose. Either way, her eyes were puffy and swollen from crying and she needed extra comforting that night. Thankfully there were no traces of her ordeal the next morning and she was back to being her sweet and spunky self. Since then I've gotten some recommendations for more child-friendly sunscreen which I'll pick up for her soon. We've got a few cute hats for her to wear, plus I'm hoping she'll be more interested in wearing her sunglasses this summer.

Anna has been such a joy. Lately one of her obsessions is rocks--while we're outside she'll pick up a couple and hold them tight. Later I might be able to distract her and take them away, but as soon as she sees new ones on the ground she wants to pick them up. We came across a garage sale on Saturday morning which had a bag of decorative rocks for 25 cents, so I bought them and Anna played with them all weekend. I figured better to play with those than pick up just any rock off the ground. LOL!

Sunday night we spread a quilt on the front grass and ate dinner there so Anna could keep running around the yard. Last night we walked to return movies to the library, tonight we'll probably go to the park. She has been good about not crying when it's time to leave the park, I can only hope that continues.

Time continues to zip by, which is fine with me as long as my days are full. Life feels like it is in balance right now--Anna's healthy, I'm getting enough sleep, I'm not too far behind on my projects around the house, I'm not overwhelmed at work (yet!). All is good.

ONE THING I DON'T LIKE ABOUT SPRING/SUMMER: The ironing! Everything I want to wear, or at least want to wear to work requires ironing. I don't mind ironing at all, but it's a trick to find the time to do it. Sigh! It's certainly not one of those tasks I feel comfortable doing with Anna running around. There are not enough women's clothes that are wrinkle-free, IMO. It's in this area Edwin and I seem to trade places this time of year, since he'll generally wear polo shirts to work every day now and not need to iron.

Well, that's all I can think of for today.


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