Thursday, May 24, 2007

Details, Details

I am just getting over a cold. I've had a couple nights in a row of not sleeping well, one night due to me coughing non-stop (finally I slept on the sofa in our living room) and another night due to Anna being out-of-sorts. I suppose she now has my cold, poor girl. If we can just make it to the weekend ...

It's been a busy time, work has picked up as expected, last Thursday night was our four-year anniversary (nice dinner at home), we hosted two of Saskia's friends for a sleepover Friday night, dinner and movie plans Saturday night, and Sunday it was Anna and I alone for most of the day while Edwin drove Saskia around to her church and hip-hop dance commitments.

The movie we saw Saturday night was a Dutch film, The Black Book, at the Edina theater. We went with friends Jan and Rannveig, Jan also being Dutch. We had a nice dinner together at Teja's prior to the movie, always good conversation with them. It was a very good movie, about a Dutch Jewish woman in hiding during the war, and how she becomes a member of the Dutch resistance and repeatedly escapes death. There were so many surprises, unexpected twists in the story line that I'm still considering how it all played out. Hmm. Much to my surprise J and R talked a lot during the movie, R mostly explaining to J what was going on. They didn't even whisper, just talked in a normal voice to each other. Oh well, I was sitting right next to J and had to shift my attention from the movie to them to notice, hopefully that was true for the other people sitting around us.

At the moment I am home with Anna ... along with the cold she got from me she's had a low-grade fever for the last couple days, so we decided I would stay home with her today. It's a hard call when she's borderline, but often I find it's necessary to stay home with her, as a good-faith gesture to our daycare provider. Erring on the side of keeping her home. I don't mind, as Edwin has agreed to opt out of a work dinner so I can go in later. That way, I should only have to take a half day as sick time.

Last night I went in to work (in anticipation of today) and missed the American Idol finale. I am thrilled that Jordin won, I've been cheering for her for weeks now. She's got it all--fabulous voice, great personality, she's beautiful, and a great attitude all this time. Edwin was pretty disappointed that Melinda was voted off--she's an incredible singer but I honestly got tired of her disbelief at the compliments she'd receive, and although she nailed all her songs she picked songs that I don't think a younger audience could relate to. I mean, would a 20-something even know who Tina Turner is? Probably not.

Last week was the Ugly Betty finale which left me in tears. I wonder how quickly some of these shows go on DVD? This is a show I'd really want to own.

Well, now that Anna is napping I think I will get some rest, too. I was at work from about 9 to midnight last night and I am tired! It worked out well to go in, I got all of my urgent work done so we should be able to reach our first big deadline easily (knock on wood). Hopefully tomorrow we can all be back to our usual schedule, the last day before the holiday weekend.


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