Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Yay for Vacations!

We are back from South Carolina! It was such a lovely time, our "sea cabin" was nice, the weather was mostly good, and we spent lots of time on the beach and neither Anna or I ended up with a sunburn. It really felt like a vacation, and a perfect amount of time away from home.

A couple days before our trip Edwin began to have some tooth pain, and the night before we were to leave he realized the pain was far too severe to chance finding someone in SC to treat him, so we decided that Anna and I would travel ahead and he would try to get in to see a dentist in town. It all ended up working out fine in the end ... Anna traveled so well and we were able to make our flights with all the additional baby gear, rent the car, and check into our sea cabin without any problems. Edwin was able to get a flight the next day, so didn't miss much. Whew!

Our sea cabin was located on Isle of Palms, not far from Charleston. There was a tropical storm that was threatening the area, the result of that was a lot of wind initially and one rainy day--not bad! We rented a car and drove around to all the places we wanted to see--Charleston (of course), Boone Plantation, the Tea Plantation, Fort Sumter. We had considered driving to Savannah for one of the days, but later decided to spend more time at the beach instead. It would have been about a two-hour drive, doable, but not necessary. Some other time, some other vacation.

Boone Plantation is home to the Avenue of Oaks ... a long drive of large, live oaks which are over 250 years old and covered in the romantic-looking Spanish moss. Beautiful. We were there on the rainy day, so didn't do as much as we probably could have on a nicer day. Regardless, we were able to enjoy the oaks, took a tour of the main house (not original), and walk through a few of the slave cabins still standing near the house. There was also a butterfly garden and nearby the Charles Pinckney National Park and Museum, which I checked out alone later that day.

The next day we went to Charleston to catch a ferry to Fort Sumter. Wow. The place where it all began. It was good to get the full story, why Charlestonians were offended by Union troops being there, and how that all led to their being the first state to secede. It's certainly interesting to get the Southern point of view of all of those events. I also have to remind myself how much Revolutionary War history is in South Carolina, so now of course I immediately want to rewatch the "Liberty" and Ken Burn's "Civil War" documentaries that I have on DVD.

We also took a carriage tour in Charleston--a must. Anna babbled loudly the entire time, I encouraged her to use her pacifier but it wasn't 100 percent successful. Hope people didn't mind too much. We also went to a nearby tea plantation another day, the only tea plantation in North America. I personally enjoyed this trip since I'm the tea drinker in the house. I didn't realize that the only difference between green and black tea is the amount of time it has oxidized, that otherwise the leaves, etc. are the same. Hmm.

We filled in our time by going to Charleston to walk around the city, and by going to the beach of course. I love to look for shells on the beach and found several to save for Anna. We tried to time our touristy trips around Anna's naps and bedtime. We found a few nice restaurants and also ate in our cabin a few times, usually for breakfast. So the pace didn't get too crazy, plus there wasn't a ton of things to do anyway. Relaxing.

Instead of the trip to Savannah we decided to go to a Greek Festival in Charleston the last day we were there. Anna hadn't napped well that afternoon, and was crabby initially but perked up when she was able to dance and enjoy the live Greek music. Funny girl. She danced and played on a raised platform in front of the band, and enjoyed Greek fries and danced some more before we took her away from the celebration.

I didn't take too many pictures, most of the pictures taken are of Anna. I loved the beautiful new bridge outside Charleston and enjoyed driving over it for our trips. I never tired of seeing the Spanish moss, the palmetto trees, the magnolia trees. Beautiful.

And now we are home.


Blogger shannon said...

Sounds like you had the full Charleston experience. My mom's church is on Isle of Palms ,not far from the beach, and they do have some of the most beautiful beaches.

6:29 AM  

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