Sunday, June 17, 2007

These Are the Days

The days and evenings have been full. Finally this weekend, I found a few hours to go to the Y and to get caught up with some housework.

The memorial service for Bob was a week ago, on Friday night. There was a lot of laughter along with tears, which I'm sure he would have loved. The Strib even had an article about him in the obituary section, which would have made him proud since so many of his letters to the editor were also published by them. I think his death will hit me most when I'm ready to send him an email, or stop by to tell him about a great new restaurant Edwin and I have found.

My friend, Jill and her husband John had their wedding reception a week ago, on Saturday night. It was a beautiful night, and Edwin, Anna and I really enjoyed ourselves. The reception was in Jill's friend Julia's backyard, which was spacious and lush with a cool, large tree and treehouse which tempted all the child guests, including Anna. To our great amusement Anna spent a good amount of time playing Duck Duck Goose with some bigger girls who were there. She cried when it was time to leave, though it was almost 10 pm! I'm thrilled for Jill to be so happy in love.

Earlier that Saturday Anna and I attended a bridal shower for my future sister-in-law, Sharon. We're all looking forward to her and Charlie's wedding in October, I just reserved our hotel room for that weekend. While at the shower Anna enjoyed playing with her big girl cousins Ashley, Andrea, and Claire. She seemed to remember Claire, because she climbed up on Claire's lap right away and insisted on sitting next to her all the time. Here is a picture of all the girls--which I hope to send a copy to all of them soon.

Work has continued to be crazy. I didn't quite finish up the work on Friday as I'd hoped. Maybe tomorrow. I think I will feel better once we caught up our team coordinator during a meeting tomorrow. Sigh!

Last weekend I finally listed a few things on Craigslist that I've wanted to list for some time. Because of the heat, it seemed like a good time to list the three window unit air conditioners we no longer need. Two of the three sold almost immediately, I've had a couple of no-shows for the third. I also listed a pair of bar stools from Room and Board which we used in our old house but have no use for here. They also sold quickly. The last to go was the light fixture which used to be in our bathroom. That eventually sold, too. Amazing! I'm just excited--I've cleaned a few things out of the basement and made a couple hundred dollars at the same time. I priced things a bit higher, allowing myself some room to negotiate, but everything has sold for its listed price. Next to list are two dressers, and a couple of odds and ends, things that I won't be disappointed if they don't go. Between the nearby Turnstyle consignment store, Once Upon a Child, Craigslist, and donations to Arc I keep up pretty well with the clutter.

This weekend my sister JoAnn and niece, Ashley, joined us for dinner on Friday night. She'd been in town all week and Friday night turned out best for her to visit. Edwin took Ashley, Saskia and Anna swimming at Pershing Park so JoAnn and I could talk, and then later we shared a nice dinner that Edwin had made. Anna eventually let JoAnn hold one of her babies and later spent a lot of time showing off to her. Funny girl. I'm glad that she's so social.

Yesterday was our annual work picnic at Como Zoo. I love that the work picnic is held there, there's so much to do. Both kids got a few free tickets for the rides, so we went on the rides first, then back to the picnic area for lunch. Anna went on the little train, and we tried a playground but it was more for bigger kids. She was very intrigued by all the other rides, though, and ooohed and ahhhed when she watched the other kids going on them. Saskia got her face painted, while Anna was mesmorized by the band. We thought we might make it to the zoo but ran out of time. Maybe this will be a destination for us when Edwin's parents are in town.

Our new air conditioning has been great. I need to recheck the instructions for whether we can program the system or not. For now I just turn it on as soon as I get home from work and by the time Edwin and Saskia get home the house has cooled off enough to be bearable.

I feel better to be caught up with things a bit. I'm relieved that we've been able to do a few fun things the last few weeks, so it hasn't all been work.


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