Monday, June 18, 2007

Other Random Updates

Saskia has had a rough week. Her hamster, Snickers, died a couple days ago. Of the pets she's had at our house, Snickers was probably the most interactive and entertaining. He's now buried near the rhubarb plant in our backyard. We also found out recently that Kelly Clarkson has canceled her summer tour, tickets to the concert had been Saskia's birthday present and now we're not sure what to do. Last year we all went to the American Idols concert and had enjoyed that, but it was fun to have chosen something different this time around. Grr. We'll figure something out, though.

By the way, I'm generally not a beer drinker but I REALLY like Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy. The label says it's Weiss beer with lemonade. So, if you're considering some kind of beer purchase I would recommend this beer.

Tonight it was just Anna and I. After dinner, I took Anna for a walk around Lake Harriet. Toward the end of our walk I noticed a band getting ready to play at the bandshell, so we stopped to check it out. Anna was very curious, but I soon found out that the concert wouldn't be starting until 7:30. Bummer! That's just too late for Little Boo, who now goes to bed around 8 pm and needs a bath every other night. Seven o'clock would have been perfect. We did stick around while they practiced a few of their songs and Anna loved it. Oh well.

A couple weeks ago I bought a little bag of letters and numbers for Anna to play with in the tub. I'm hoping that slowly they'll catch on, as she can repeat most of the letters after me and I try to mention a couple words which start with that letter. Just a couple days ago Anna said her own name for the first time, usually she's shy about saying her own name and she hardly ever says Mommy. She started saying "no" over the weekend and I'm quick to encourage her to say "yes" instead. LOL! I'm sure thatt won't be successful.

We had Noodles for dinner tonight, Anna loves Noodles. I always buy the Pesto Cavatappi for us to share. There's some left over, so she'll have another meal of them some other night this week. Last night she actually ate a couple small pieces of my steak. I figure, offering her whatever we're eating is worth a try, you never know what she might like. She ate a lot tonight, she doesn't usually eat much for dinner. I don't worry about it as long as she eats well during the day, which she does. I'm sure eating the same thing along with the other kids helps her along.


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