Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hustling for a Deal

Lately I've had some great luck finding deals for me, Anna, and the house. For Edwin and Saskia I generally don't take the risk of buying something they might not like, and then not being able to return it. But for me and for Anna especially I'm always looking for a deal.

Tonight I sold two more items I had listed on Craigslist--the last of the AC window units, and the Room and Board outlet dresser which has been sitting in our basement. I'm just thrilled. Edwin still can't believe it. He hasn't claimed any of the cash for himself yet. And I'm not offering :) A couple days ago I found a possible twin bed for Anna which I think would go great in her room. A mattress and box spring are even included. I'm waiting to get the official okay from Edwin, the only problem is that the seller is in St. Michael, but I think if the bed is as nice as I think it is, the drive will be worthwhile. About half of what we just made from Craiglist would go toward that bed if that's what we decide to do.

So needless to say I don't mind certain things I purchase to be "used". Today I picked up a pair of black Born sandals for half their usual price, the seller said she'd only worn them once because they were too small. At least half of Anna's clothes are from someone else, either via eBay or Craigslist. I figure the play clothes she wears don't have to be brand new, at least then she can dig in the dirt, they can get stains, etc., without me having a heart attack every time that happens. Then I figure I can spend a little more on other things for her, like the big girl bedding I've been watching on eBay, which is still expensive because it's from Pottery Barn. I figure it all evens out.

My friend, Jamie, is somewhat similar to me this way, so we often share our good buys. I think it's because we've both had the experience of being poor, really having to stretch our dollars, and though our circumstances have changed, our attitude hasn't really changed. Not that our tastes are cheap, but if we can get a good deal on something regardless of what the item is, why not? We both love the TJ Maxx commercials where the person unexpectedly shares that they got a designer outfit for a really good deal, because when we find really good deals we want to share them with everyone, too.

I've started a new book, The Mists of Avalon. I got it last summer from Edwin's friends Hans and Margot, who highly, highly recommended it. It's quite long, so I've been a little intimidated all this time, but if I can read Anna Karenina I can certainly read this. I finally watched Pride and Prejudice a couple weeks ago, it was really good. I love that Bridget Jones' Diary was a modern spin on the story, too, and now want to rewatch both movies. Someday.

I missed the last episode of The Price is Right with Bob Barker. His leaving the show and the show going on without him is just too weird to me. Although I love Rosie O'Donnell, still love her despite no longer being on The View, I don't think she'd be a good fit for the show, or that it would be good for her personal life. I haven't written anything about her leaving The View yet, I think it's quite unfortunate that it was under such bad circumstances in the end. I wonder if people like Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who defend everything about George Bush to the death, will ever realize the harm he has done to this country. Way back in 2000 at the time of the first election, I was dating a guy who supported GWB, while I supported Al Gore. This guy told me not to worry, because even though GWB was not so bright he'd surround himself with smart advisers. I told him no thank you, if I could get a president who was smart I would take the president being smart and boring over the arrogant frat boy any day. I can't help but wonder what ex-boyfriend thinks now, though I would never ask.

Anyway ...

I always thought I'd write about more profound topics on here, but this blog has turned out to be more day to day stuff. Events do happen to me frequently which give me pause, articles from the NY Times or the death of a friend, most certainly, but I usually feel inadequate about expressing my feelings about them.


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