Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hanging out at Home

Anna is in bed, I should be working but I just can't bring myself to get started. After posting here, I swear I will do something I brought home from work!

The weather is cooler again, thank God. Yesterday I went around the house, opening windows. Nice to get some fresh air in the house, I'm not sure how long this is supposed to last but I hope it's at least a few more days. Our new AC was so nice, I slept as well as I would normally sleep, every night. I think that is the part that bothered me most in the past--being so hot that I couldn't get a full night's sleep.

I just ordered a few things from Amazon--one item being a book for Edwin, for his birthday. I happened to read a recommendation and figured I might as well get it now, rather than procrastinate. I have a feeling that September will be here before I know it.

Last night I brought Anna to the park, tonight we just hung out at home. On the way home we stopped at Target for diapers ... it's frustrating, but the size she's in must be popular or something, because I'm lucky to find any on the shelves. Every couple days I drive by the construction for the new Super Target on York, and I'm usually able to see progress somewhere. It'll be open in time for us to go back for Anna's two-year pictures.

I'm about to hit another big deadline at work--all my July 1 laws will be released on the 2nd, since the first is a Sunday. Of course now I'm nervous about the ones I might have done wrong. I feel fairly confident about the text, which is the most important part, but I know at some point I'll have to go back and make sure I handled all the contingencies and abrogations effectively. And didn't delete too many subsection headings. Etc. I had a nice conversation with RR today on the phone, we laughed about the craziness of our work this time of year, and she was pretty reassuring about the pressure I'm under. My timing has been good, for the last couple years the legislative sessions in Maryland have been ugly, but this year there's a new governor and all the leaders seem to have a good working relationship. I do appreciate that.

Many of us at work have come to the realization that the closest fit we'd have to our current jobs would be to work for a state or the federal legislative branch of government, that the skills from West might actually be an asset to those offices. Hmm. I feel so silly to have not taken Legislation while in law school, when I had the chance.

Speaking of law school, one of the most annoying (if not the most), arrogant people from my law school class recently got a job at West. I'll call him PM. I couldn't believe it. He's now a reference attorney, which has really got to be a shock to his ego. A couple times I've noticed he's walked by my cube, on the main aisle. I'm just waiting for the day when he's going to stop ... of course I hope it won't happen but I just have that feeling. The last couple years he's been our class representative for fund raising, which I've found amusing. The chances of me ever giving money to Hamline are nil, and he actually made them lower with his annual fundraising letters. Bleeeccchhh! Give me strength!

You've got to give Hamline credit, though--somehow they've always caught up to me every time I've moved. They even got my married name now, not exactly sure how that happened, and something came for me in the mail at home. SDSU lost me on this last move, I don't feel like volunteering my whereabouts there, either. Oh so annoying is that we get mail for Edwin's ex-wife at this house, and she's never lived here. Whatever.

Saskia and I are going to read the fourth Sisterhood book, she's gotten a good start but I haven't even picked it up yet. Soon! I don't mind setting aside Mists of Avalon, and I always think that if she knows I'm reading what she's reading, she may want to talk about some of the life experiences the girls are going through in the book. We'll see!

Well, I suppose I should get to my work ... at least for a half hour anyway. :)


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