Tuesday, April 15, 2008

She's Got the Fever, Again

So, Anna's got a fever again. It started on Saturday, took a turn for the worse yesterday (Monday) morning, and we're back to juggling work and wondering when she will be well again. After a lot of debate, we decided to fill the amoxicillan prescription and start her with it today, despite not knowing if she does have some kind of infection. Sigh!

Workwise, these few days are good ones for me to be away, I have a slight lull in the action going on at work. One thing starting to worry me is my ability to take CLEs at work, though. I believe I have to report this year and I have no idea where I stand as far as credits go. If I miss work tomorrow I'll miss the opportunity for a two-credit CLE in the morning, but there are a couple next week I could go to instead.

Happy news is that we got the official word from Step By Step that Anna can begin in July. We've worked it around our vacation so we won't have to pay right away for a week she won't be there. She will indeed be in Miss Brooke's room, and I'm so excited for her. She is going to love it. It'll be another big transition in her life, but one I think she (and I!) are ready for.

Finally today the rear window in Edwin's car has been replaced. A week ago Sunday, he found that the rear window of his car had completely shattered. We're still at a loss over how it could have happened. Unfortunately, it took this amount of time for the replacement glass to be ordered and arrive so that it could be fixed. Crazy. Edwin's been driving around with plexiglass taped in the back, and putting a tarp over it during the numerous rainy/snowy days we've had lately. He's mentioned recently he'd like to get his new car next year (I don't think he has any idea what he wants).

The weird thing about this window replacement? With Anna sick today, we decided I would work this morning, then would leave to go home so that Edwin could work this afternoon. When I was ready to leave work and got to my car in the parking lot, I found a service van blocking my parking space, and then went up to the driver's side window to ask the driver to move so I could get out of my spot. He was on his cell phone, and I noticed "AllState" on his paperwork, made another peek, then saw our names. Turns out, this guy was talking to Edwin!! They were trying to figure out how to coordinate fixing the car, as Edwin had expected his car would be at work and in the parking lot. So we eventually arranged for the glass service guy to follow me home, which he did, and Edwin drove my car right back to work. What are the chances of that?

Anyway, so this is a long enough post and should come to an end. Next time I will write about the very loud birds around our house, in particular a boisterous cardinal. Stay tuned!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Broker, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://home-broker-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Marketing Mama said...

Hey Venus! I followed you back from my blog. Thanks for your comments yesterday - it was good to hear from you and I really appreciate your kind words. I'm feeling much better tonight and am geared up for my big day tomorrow. :)

8:33 PM  

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