Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Motivation Is On Its Way Back

Thank God! Even with the time change, I feel so much better this week. Edwin was out of town most of last week, and every night as soon as I put Anna to bed I crawled into bed myself. Since the weekend, I've done a few scrapbook pages, cleaned more of the basement, cleaned through piles of papers and drawers. Ahh, there's lots more that I want to do so hopefully this productive phase continues.

Right now Hairspray is ending on the television ... Anna loves this movie and has been watching it more lately. She loves the singing and dancing, and she's slowly learning the names to all the major characters. Funny girl. I'm almost ready to go out and buy the Sound of Music DVD, but I don't know if that'll be pushing my luck. What a pain in the ass videos are! I checked out Amazon for Beauty and the Beast and just about fell over to find that the cheapest prices I could find for it were around $40. Crazy.

Tonight Anna and I actually took a walk with her in her stroller. It was a beautiful evening and I promised her we'd take another walk tomorrow evening if it was nice again. Still too cold and sloppy for the playground but there are plenty of other places for us to walk to and hang out for a little while. I opened a couple windows to get some fresh air in the house while we were gone.

Today was my Excel class at work. Of course, today was also the department-wide appreciation breakfast, which I missed completely by being in class. My luck. Oh well.

I brought some work home tonight so I'm off to see how much I can do before calling it a night. I think it's work I can do while watching television, we'll see!


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