Monday, June 02, 2008

Many, Many Updates

Lots to update, little time. Also, sometime soon I hope to do a major overhaul of this blog, so stay tuned!

May flew by as expected. Mother's Day was nice, I did have some time to myself that day which was greatly appreciated. Edwin, Anna and I went out to breakfast at the French Meadow Bakery, which has never let us down. Also, we have fond memories of having breakfast there the day I had Anna, it was the last meal I had before going into labor. So it seemed somewhat fitting to go back on Mother's Day.

The work on our house is done, we're still in the process of putting things back where they belong, and I'm thinking to myself how I want to tackle painting the trim and doing necessary touch up jobs around the house. Now that I'm used to it, I love the repainted stairway--so much nicer than how it'd been before. All of the ceilings look fabulous, amazing what a difference that work can make. I'd pushed for this work more than Edwin but now that it's done I think Edwin is more excited than me. The water pressure has continued to be great, that was also a very wise decision. Edwin hasn't had to water the lawn yet with all the rain, but I'm sure he'll be thrilled to not have to move the sprinkler numerous times to water our small patch of grass.

The only concerning part of all the work is the kitchen, which we had repainted. I'm not happy with the color. I picked a light, bright green but it feels SO bright, too yellow. I've gotten a little more used to it since it's been done, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to let it go. Oh well. The touch-ups and painting the trim is far higher priority to me.

Our fifth wedding anniversary was May 17. Edwin had made plans, which I asked be kept secret. I was very happy with the end result--dinner at Pazzaluna, the site of one of our first dates. I haven't been there since, I'd forgotten there was a closeup reproduction of Boticelli's Venus on one of the back walls. Then from Pazzaluna to Caberet at the Ordway. It's been a long time since we've been to a show ... I'd never seen this one on any stage, just the movie version with Liza Minelli. Very entertaining, and it'd just so happened I'd heard an interview with one of the stars on a radio show one of the days before we attended the show. Then from the show to an overnight stay at the Grand Hotel downtown. Unfortunately, we got there so late and then had to check out the next morning I didn't get a great sense of what the hotel was like. Edwin had arranged for me to have a full body massage that morning, which was lovely and yet another thing I hadn't done in ages. It was a wonderful way to celebrate our anniversary. Anna along with Saskia stayed overnight with Edwin's friend Laura and daughter Leah, who is a good friend of Saskia's. She didn't seem to miss us at all!


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