Sunday, September 07, 2008

Feels Like Fall

Isn't it wonderful? I'm just happy to throw open windows again, get some fresh air in the house and shut off the cool air.

The worst of my busy time at work is over, now I'm attempting to get caught up on all the other things I've let slide a bit. As long as Maryland doesn't have a special session, I should be good for a while. I may even travel to Annapolis this fall, something discussed early in the spring but no plans have been made yet. We'll see. How strange it would be for me to be the traveler and Edwin left at home to care for Anna, I think it would be good for him to experience for a day or two.

I recently broke my New Years' resolution and bought a few books at Half Price Books, and the latest David Sedaris book in anticipation of hearing him speak in October. I had a big bag of books to clean out and drop off last weekend, but unfortunately didn't get much $$ this time. Oh well. I bought The Spirit Moves You and You Fall Down, Water for Elephants, The Good Earth, and The Age of Innocence. The Good Earth (Pearl S. Buck) I'm especially excited about--it's one of those classics which has always sounded intriguing to me--so that'll be the book I grab tonight.

Over Labor Day weekend Anna and I drove to Grandma's farm to see most of her cousins for their combined birthday party. It's such a long drive, Anna did pretty well though she didn't nap in the car as well as I'd hoped. After an hour driving there, Anna started pointing at houses and asking "Is that Grandma's house?" over and over. Umm, no, unfortunately. It was nice to see some family members again, especially the nieces and nephews who are getting so tall and becoming young ladies and gentlemen. We also met new cousin Andrew for the very first time. Anna enjoyed running back and forth the length of Grandma's house, and checking out all her knick-knacks and items on her shelves. We also checked out Grandma's garden where Anna pulled a small onion and carrot out of the ground.

Prior to the start of Labor Day weekend, I had arranged for a new refrigerator to be delivered to our house from Sears. Long story short, Sears delivery SUCKS because despite my many attempts to correct the address prior to the day of delivery, they still got it wrong and showed up to the house on Beard Avenue. I tried to explain how close we were to that address but they refused to deliver, saying I had to reschedule for another day because the address was wrong. I was and still am livid and have since cancelled everything with them. Good grief! You'd think that if delivering merchandise worth hundreds or thousands of dollars was the focus of your business, you'd try a little harder to get the address of the recipient right? Guess not. Back to start I go.

Otherwise, life is about the same. Edwin's birthday is next week, Anna's soon to follow. I already got her big gift, which I'm really excited about. It can either be used as a bookcase, or a dollhouse.


Blogger Judy Westergard said...

The concept of using a doll house as either its intended purpose or as a book case is nothing short of brilliant! Wish I'd have thought of that way back when my daughter was young.

As for the Sedaris book...must say that except for the first chapter I was disappointed. (I think that, like G. Keillor, I like him much better when he reads his own material.) Water for Elephants -- one of the best books I've read in ages!

5:46 PM  

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