Friday, August 01, 2008

I'm Still Here

I've just dropped out for a while to attend to other things ... such as work (now is my busiest time of the year), the Little Boo (who is wrapping up her first full week at Step by Step today), trying to keep up with housework, projects, and the usual every day stuff.

Here is a recent picture of Anna, as Edwin has just updated her blog. Since this picture she's had her hair cut into a cute little bob so I'll have to post even newer pictures soon to show off her new 'do.

Loving the big girl swing ...

Painting with her feet for more of a challenge ...

Yes, those are painted toenails you are seeing. She loves having pretty fingers and toes. That's my girl!

Recently we returned from a week-long vacation, so overall I have no complaints about life lately. Pictures from that trip will come eventually as well. We flew from Minneapolis to Burlington, Vermont, and from there rented a car and drove to Montreal and later Mont Tremblant, also in Canada. Beautiful. I must now go back to my Liberty DVD series and rewatch the portion dealing with General Burgoyne's advance through the Lake Champlain area, and how he eventually surrendered at Saratoga, New York. But I digress.

I've had my days, but generally I've been able to deal with the stress in my life far better this summer than I did last summer. Note to all--eating nachos for lunch a couple times a week and having a couple beers every time you work at home is NOT a good idea. It may help you get through, but not so good for the hips and thighs!

Anyway ...

I'm getting out from time to time, reading a book here and there, and going to an occasional movie. And, most important, I'm enjoying my sweet, sweet girl and the funny things she says and does.

More soon ... hopefully!


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