Friday, February 20, 2009

Blast From the Past or My Latest Amazon Purchases

Here are a few things I ordered from Amazon the other day. I got the idea for the Brain Quest cards and workbook from another mom, I'll pack them in a bag to bring along to a restaurant or while we're out and about.

Slowly I've been cleaning through our videotapes and replacing them with DVDs. I have a feeling, now that I've bought these DVDs, that Disney will update them.

I used to listen to these albums all the time in college, now I've finally gotten the CDs.

The Cold Continues

Much to my chagrin, I have another cold. This one does not involve coughing, just a lot of sneezing and blowing my nose, so I've been able to sleep through the night. This time I didn't hear the "I never get sick" speech from Edwin because he has the exact same cold. Ha!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'd Forgotten How Much Colds Can Suck

Yes, I am in the midst of a nasty cold. I could tell I was coming down with something last Thursday afternoon. Friday was chills and body aches so I stayed home from work. Saturday was better, with more cold symptoms than flu. Sunday I lounged most of the day, Edwin happily taking Anna after being gone all of last week. Monday I dragged myself into work and kept medicated, today I did the same. It's always amazing to me to empty multiple bottles and packages of cold medicine just purchased, trying to keep up my symptoms. Sigh. I'll go to bed in a few minutes and hope for a better day tomorrow. Thank God for effective cold medicine!

I'd debated but still went ahead with a dentist appointment I had on Saturday. It had been rescheduled and it's tricky to find a Saturday time which would work for both me and Anna, who had her first appointment. She cried that morning and claimed she didn't want to go to the dentist, but once we got there she was fine. She watched what happened with me and decided she was okay sitting in the dentists' chair by herself for the same (polishing and flossing) and enjoyed picking out a prize from the treasure chest afterward. She asked me if they'd give her candy as a treat, LOL. No, dentists don't give out candy I told her.

Recently I had an eye appointment, the first one in about five years. Wearing contacts you generally need to go for an appointment once a year, but since I had Lasik I haven't gone at all. Good news, I still have 20/20 vision. My fear was that I'd go and learn it wasn't 20/20 anymore and that I'd need glasses. I'm sure some day I will need reading glasses, but I'm hoping that won't happen for a few more years. It was reassuring to learn the changes in my vision I've experienced recently are due to the dry air or eye strain, factors I can control.

And of course I had a birthday a couple weeks ago--I'm now 38. How did I get this old? The Saturday before Edwin and I went to Bryant Lake Bowl for Lorna Landvik's one-woman show. She's a local author and I've read one of her books for a book group. She shook hands and greeted everyone after the show, she told me I looked "continental" in my outfit of red shirt, black scarf, black skirt and black boots. I took that to be a compliment and thanked her but pointed to Edwin and said he was the "continental" one.

After Bryant Lake Bowl we had dessert and coffee at Lucia's, then home. It wasn't a late night or crazy fun but just right. The night of my birthday the four of us went out to eat at California Pizza Kitchen, which I hadn't been to before. All around a good birthday, and I now have a new two-toned watch I've wanted for some time.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Marriage Proposal??

There's an older sister/younger brother who are in Anna's classroom at Step By Step named Alexis and Owen. Owen is about a week younger than Anna and invited her to his birthday party last fall. I haven't talked to him much, but he's very cute.

Alexis to me: "Owen wants to marry Anna when he grows up!"

Me: "Sounds good to me!"

Though later I realized that Will might want to marry her, too. I'll have to be sure to tell Anna she doesn't have to decide this for a long, long time.
Who's The Boss?

Lately, everywhere we go in public Anna needs to know who the boss is where we are. For example, we recently went to the California Pizza Kitchen for dinner.

Anna sees employee: "Is that person the boss?"

Me: "I don't know. Maybe. Should we ask?"

Anna nods head. We ask server who the boss of the restaurant is, and at some point the boss comes over to say hello.

We've also had this conversation in Target, Settergren Hardware, Edina Grill, and Noodles. Possibly more locations that I can't remember.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Just Remember, I'm Slow to Technology

If by chance any of you reading this blog invited me to be your friend on Facebook, thank you. I'm not on Facebook ... yet. I'm sure by the time I get there you all will be moving to something else! Just remember, I'm slow to technology, late to catch on to trends, last to know the good gossip. So don't think anything of it that I'm not there :)