Thursday, January 22, 2009

Random Updates, Long Overdue

I practically did a happy dance leaving work today--no work to bring home tonight and I'm taking tomorrow off! Yes! It's been a crazy time at work, again. I don't mind bringing work home from time to time but lately it's been ridiculous. However, in a few days three recomps will be done for the year, with only one more to go.

The holidays were quiet and restful, until New Year's Day when we invited several neighbor families to our house for brunch. Somehow we pull these things together, Edwin planning the menu, me scrambling to clean the house and making it look presentable with freshly ironed tablecloths, candles and other decorations. We tried to prepare Anna for the kids who would be coming, but she wasn't happy about having to share her toys so she spent most of the brunch in her room where people wouldn't look at her, try to talk to her, or be nice to her!! The nerve!! Sasi and I checked on her from time to time and brought her food but she was just fine by herself, "reading" her books.

I've joined a new book group and have gone to two meetings so far. Everyone has been really nice and I liked the last book we read, called The End of an Error. I'm not sure how far off will be my turn to host, but I look forward to it. I already know I want to pick a classic book that I've never read, maybe one by Jane Austen or Charles Dickens or Edith Wharton. I've really missed belonging to a book group so was thrilled to get the invitation. All the other members have known each other so long, they have a lot of history together.

Edwin got me The War DVDs and has said he wants to watch them with me so I hope we'll do that sometime this winter. We've used our Netflix subscription quite a bit, I've watched almost the entire first season of the show Homicide, Life on the Streets which was on television long ago. I used to love that show. We liked Dan in Real Life and Edwin was finally able to see Once last weekend. Gone Baby Gone wasn't as good as what I was expecting, but I was blown away by the Kill Bill movies.

Going to movies is still my main activity when Edwin mentions he can stay home with Anna for an afternoon or evening. So last weekend I went to Australia, wanting to see it in the theater before going to DVD. A couple weeks ago I saw Slumdog Millionaire, which was excellent and absolutely deserving of every Oscar nomination it got today. Soon I hope to see The Wrestler, or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I so appreciate living so close to the Edina theater, which shows just about all of the movies I want to see.

Somewhat exciting for me is that I've started jogging/running again, this time on the treadmill. I'm up to running for 30 minutes a session, or as an alternative walking on the treadmill for an hour. So far, so good, except for the blisters I've gotten on one of my feet. I figure if I can either run, or walk for an hour during those visits I'm able to get to the gym I'll be in great shape by summer.

Another exciting thing is that we're planning our first vacation for 2009. It won't be until June, but it will be for a whole week in Florida. We're about to book the condo (near the beach of course) and the flights, etc. I'm sure I'll take a day off here and there before then, but to have an entire week is always nice, and an entire week away from home is wonderful.

More another time ...
It's a Beautiful Day

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Eight for Eight

Anna is now eight for eight with her football playoff picks. How can that be?? For you betting people, she's already made her picks for this weekend--

Baltimore (over Pittsburgh)
Philadelphia (over Arizona)

No hesitation over them, either. We all giggle when she says the names of the cities so clearly, what a big girl!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Football Picks

We've made our picks for the playoff games coming up this weekend. This is something we've done for the NFL playoff games for the last few years, despite the fact we don't actually watch too much football through the season. Even Anna has gotten into the spirit, either picking pieces of paper with the team's name on it that she wants, or last night carefully listening to Edwin read aloud the names of the teams playing each other and choosing from them. Last week she and Saskia got them all right. This week Anna has chosen


So we'll see if her streak continues! None of us picked the Vikings last week. Oops!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Farewell to a Friend

Emilie passed away on December 24th and I attended her funeral at the Basillica the following Monday. It was a beautiful service, with meaningful touches one just had to know Emilie arranged for herself. To me she will always be the beautiful May bride, though obviously at the time of her death the roles of mother and wife were far, far bigger in her life.

Emilie--I appreciated your friendship. You will always be in my heart.

Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave
I know. But I do not approve and I am not resigned.

-Edna St. Vincent Millay