Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Trip to Como Zoo and Conservatory

A couple weeks ago, while Edwin and Sasi were busy for the day, I took Anna to the Como Zoo and Conservatory in St. Paul.

Of course we took a ride on the carousel ...

And eventually we found the gold fish pond at the Conservatory ...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Recent Photos of Miss Boo

Trip to the Children's Museum

Giving Clifford a high five

Sweeping the kitchen floor is more enjoyable when done in a tutu

Keeping still for a close-up

We giggled for a long time over Anna's blue tongue

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

By the way, still not drinking pop

I took a couple sips of Anna's Sprite the other day, otherwise I haven't had any pop since giving it up for Lent this year. I can't believe I've been able to give it up this easily, wow. The biggest difference I've noticed is that it feels like I can control my snacking better, that I have more days where I haven't snacked at all between meals. I'm hopeful that over time this will make a difference weight-wise, we'll see!
Labor Day at Grandma's House

Anna and Claire sharing a chair

I love black and white photos

Anna loving her new lady bug pillow

Playing a game of Connect Four with Zachary

Lounging alone

Grandma and grandkids

Monday, May 04, 2009

Could it Really Be Spring?

Funny how a little sunshine turns things around. All of a sudden I feel like I have more energy and gusto to get to projects dreamed up over the dreary winter months.

Most people are thinking of their gardens right now, of course. Not me. I'm thinking of painting! Saskia's room is my big project of the season, to be completed bit by bit. Last summer I repainted the door and doorframe to her room, a few weeks ago I repainted her windows and replaced the blinds. Next is another door, and then the ceiling. Unfortunately, each part I focus on takes far more time than I expect, since the condition of the door or windows or whatever is in such bad shape. Sas still needs to pick out the paint colors she wants for the walls, and I also found a new rug and lamp to match the new bedding she got for Christmas. Slowly it's coming together, and now that I can throw open a few windows while I work things should dry quickly. I just have to find the time.

I'll plant some flowers in the planters to place by the front door, but I'm thinking it may just be best to remove the window boxes completely. I just haven't had any luck with them. Last summer was the best summer yet, but even so one window box flowered like crazy and the other window box was obviously lacking and lopsided. I give up! I've had great luck with my houseplants, though, and just picked up a new one over the weekend.

Last month I went to The Barber of Seville at the Ordway, my first opera. I'd always wanted to give it a try, and all the ads I'd heard promised it would be an easy one for first-timers, and it was.

Edwin has made plans for our anniversary and I've asked them to be a surprise. He's teased me, saying the plans start with the letter "V" and all I can think of is Vincent's, a restaurant that we love downtown.
Fond Memories of Savannah

About a year ago, we vacationed outside Savannah, Georgia. Just recently I loaded/edited the pictures I took on that trip.

Anna, deep in thought.

Forsyth Park Fountain:

Love the oaks and Spanish moss:

Anna gathered sticks in all the city squares we visited:

I liked the Bus Stop signs:

Mercer House--featured in "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil":

This year we won't be traveling in May, but in June to St. Augustine, Florida. I can't wait to get away, and now that I've finally taken a digital photography class I will be taking many more pictures of my trips.